I'm having a hard time working through this in my mind (and a much
harder time in code.)

I am receiving a JSON array. I am then looping through each result,
and trying to create three text boxes within a list item for each line
of data.

The result should look like this: <li><input type="text"
value="something" />...</li>

Once that node is created, I want to append it to an unordered list,
but not visible, so that it can immediately slide open.

I can think of some sloppy ways to do this (and maybe they are right),
but I assume, like every time I use JQ, there is a more elegant
solution. Any tips or advice are greatly appreciated.

Here's my code, if it helps:

                $("document").ready(function () {
                        $("#retrieveData").click(function() {
                                if($("#urlToGet").val() != undefined) {
                                        $.getJSON("returnData.php", { url: 
$("#urlToGet").val() },
                                                $.each(data, function (i, item) 
$("#myList").append("<li id='i"+i+"' style='height:0;
        <input type='text' value=" + item.a + " />
                                                        $("#i" + 
i).animate({height: "20px" });
                                } else {
                                        alert("You must enter a URL for this 
feature to work.");
                                return false;

And then in the <body> there is <ul id="myList"></ul>

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