
I'm trying to add some HTML to a DIV (the HTML is contained in the var

$("#"+p_id).empty().append("<div class=\"itemWrapper\">" + data + "</

but when that HTML contains Javascript, PC IE 7 gives me syntax errors
after the above call, even when the JS contains none.  Here is an
example of some of the HTML with JS I'm trying to load:

<form onsubmit="return get(this)"></form>
                                <td><img width="100" src="images/
roman.jpg" alt="" border="0"></td>
                                <td valign="top">
class="itemHeader">Roman Numerals</td></tr>
class="item">Type in a number in either form.</td></tr>
class="item"><input size="16" ></td></tr>
                                                <tr><td class="item">
<input type="submit" value="Convert"></td></tr>
<script language="javascript">


var x = 1;



I seem to be doing something that is not agreeing with IE.  Does
anyone have suggestions on how to successfully load this on IE?

Thanks, - Dave

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