I am hoping someone might be able to help with this problem.

I am using the jQuery history plugin and it is working fine, except
that in IE 6, I hear the 'start navigation' click sound twice when
navigating backwards and forwards between pages.

I have got as far as identifying the parts of the plugin code where
this is occurring, but do not know enough to stop prevent the annoying
double-click sound (it seems to fire once when the age is loaded and
again when the hidden iframe is populated).

Here is the relevant code segment and I have added two comments
indicating where the clicks occur:


load: function(hash) {
                var newhash;

                if ($.browser.safari) {
                        newhash = hash;
                } else {
                        newhash = '#' + hash;
// First click heard in IE 6
                        location.hash = newhash;
                this._curHash = newhash;

                if ($.browser.msie) {
                        var ihistory = $("#jQuery_history")[0]; // TODO: need
                        var iframe = ihistory.contentWindow.document;
// Second click heard in IE 6
            iframe.location.hash = newhash;



I note that the multiple click sounds occur in the jQuery History demo
as well, so don't think it is just my implementation.

Is there perhaps another way to load the new hsh location into the

Any help much appreciated :)

Thanks, Rob

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