Hi, all.
I've got a bit of a problem I hope is small(ish?) that I was hoping to
get a hand with.

I've got a layout I need to build where a user will initially be
presented with a list of options that they'll then be able to whittle
down by using tag-like terms. To accomplish that, I found the
WordFilter plugin[1] which does everything I need, except for one
problem: it fulfills the requirements in two separate implementations.

The actual wordFilter() function provides for creating a list of links
that will remove items containing the link word. But as far as I can
tell, each term is exclusive.
The autoSearch() function does do filtering, but works via a textbox,
which I don't want.

Given that the underlying /functionality/ is already provided, is
there some way to semi-easily combine the two processes into exactly
what I'm trying to accomplish? I've also found the uiTableFilter
plugin which works like autoSearch() if that's any easier to work with
for any reason.

If this is more involved to make happen than it appears to me, I'm
happy to discuss throwing some money/books/beer your way.

I'd also welcome the suggestion of some other plugin that already
works exactly like this that I may not have found already.
Thanks for any help.

[1] http://people.apache.org/~gmonroe/wordFilter/index.html
[2] http://gregweber.info/projects/demo/flavorzoom.html

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