Using Jörn Zaefferer' AutoCompleter at

I'm getting an error in the function below.  The error is at line 553,
the error is "object required", this file is jquery.autocompleter.js.
This is occurring under IE 7 and it happens when I move the mouse
cursor over the drop down that is built to display the choices the
user can select.  It does not seem to happen in Firefox.

The line where the error occurs is the WHILE line.  When looking at
this I can see that the line above it should get a reference called
element to  However, if I inspect element, it reports as
null.  If I inspect, it reports as an object that I can
then expand and see the tagName property (which is "UL" in this case).

function target(event) {
   var element =;
   while(element.tagName != "LI")
      element = element.parentNode;
return element;

I'll have to try changing the function to:

function target(event) {
//   var element =;
   while( != "LI")
      element =;
return element;

Perhaps not the best solution, but I'll defer to Jörn for that.

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