I've been asking about the same problem (and still searching (in
vain?) for an answer to the question here on the jQuery group...).

I have a click function that I bind to each folder link in an
imaginary file manager script.  The problem is still, when I click on
one folder and it displays its contents, the click function keeps
going and opens and closed the folder when it should STOP after being
clicked once.  And it should attach its click function (in an
UNCLICKED state,) to the just-clicked folder's children folders...

I've been reading up on events bubbling and stopping propagation,
returning false, etc.  But nothing seems to be working.  I've tried
adding a parameter even to the bindFolderAction function to check if
it's been clicked or not.  But when I tried that, the children
folder's wouldn't have bindFolderAction binded to them, and that's
what I need to do as well.

Here is the function I have so far, I've tried it another way since I
last posted... and still have had no suggestions... or replies on the
other post.  Any help?

bindFolderAction = function(){

        $('.myTree').find('a').bind('click', function(evt){


                alert('this is not stopping...');

                var linkval = $(this).attr('href');

                subbranch = $('ul', this.parentNode).eq(0);


                if (subbranch.css('display') == 'none') {

                        this.firstChild.src = '../img/open.gif';

(this.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('ul')).load(linkval, function()

                        return false;

                } else {


                        this.firstChild.src = '../img/closed.gif';


                return false;


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