On May 16, 2007, at 10:05 AM, Scott Sauyet wrote:
Two suggestions: First, on the documentation page, it would be nice if all the examples showed the HTML markup as well as the JS, the way you do with the non-link H4 example. Second, it's probably only really useful with non-link elements, but it would be nice to be have a titleAttribute option (defaulting of course to "title").

Thanks for the ideas, Scott! And thanks to everyone for the encouragement. Much appreciated.

I followed both of Scott's suggestions, so now each link's text on the demo page shows its markup, and you can use a custom 'titleAttribute' for the tip title.

On May 15, 2007, at 10:59 PM, Shelane wrote:
How about jClue? ;-) jSuperTip?

Good suggestions, Shelane! After riffing on them for a bit, I came up with clueTip. Hence, the new URL:


Karl Swedberg

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