Just to put an answer to this, in case someone else runs into it...

The problem was a PHP issue.  The problem line was

$data = json_decode($_GET["p"]);

That line is perfectly fine, and the "p" var does have data. However the quotes in the string were automatically escaped. So the line needed to be changed to read

$data = json_decoe(stripslashes($_GET["p"));

At which point it worked as expected.


Shawn Grover wrote:

I'm not sure if I have a server side issue or a client side issue. The problem is that I am generating a JSON string in my plugin, and passing it to a php page (though the back end shouldn't matter in the long run). I can see that a parameter is infact passed, but trying to decode that string is giving me nothing - not even errors. Sooo, I'm stuck not knowing if the json string is invalid, or I'm doing something wrong on PHP.

I have a pastie with the code in question at http://pastie.org/338246.

Any tips are appreciated.  Thanks.


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