Ok, it seems that the clone() function messes it up. I now use the
following code and it works:

function makeDraggable(expr) {
 * Makes the selection (by expr) draggable
            start: function() {
                // only clone if clone is not yet present
                if ( $(".draggedClone").length == 0 ) {
                    if ($(this).next().is("#addons .draggable")) {
                        $("<div>").attr("id", $
                    else {
                        $("<div>").attr("id", $
                    $(this).attr("id", $(this).attr("id") + '_' + ($
(".draggable").length + 1) );
            stop : function(){
                // $("#droparea").append("num of draggedClones: " + $
(".draggedClone").length + "<br/>");
                $(".draggedClone").append($("<img>").attr("src", $(".dragged >

Also, I am sorry for the double(triple)-posting but it took ages for
my question to show up on this list and sometimes it posts one
question twice...


On Oct 24, 2:20 pm, erdibalint <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I've tried to achieve a simple thing with draggables. Put little
> pictures (wrapped in divs) on top of a bigger one using the drag-and-
> drop technique. This is what I've come up with:
> function makeDraggable(expr) {
> /**
>  * Makes the selection (by expr) draggable
>  */
>     $(expr).draggable(
>         {
>             start: function() {
>                 // only clone if clone is not yet present
>                 if ( $(".draggedClone").length == 0 ) {
>                     if ($(this).next().is("#addons .draggable")) {
>                         $(this).next().before($(this).clone().css("position",
> "static").addClass("draggable").addClass("draggedClone"));
>                     }
>                     else {
>                         $(this).clone().css("position",
> "static").addClass("draggable").addClass("draggedClone").appendTo($
> (this).parent());
>                     }
>                     $(this).attr("id", $(this).attr("id") + '_' + ($
> (".draggable").length + 1) );
>                     $(this).addClass("dragged");
>                 }
>                 makeDraggable(".draggable");
>             },
>             stop : function(){
>                 // $(".draggedClone").removeClass("draggedClone");
>                 // FIXME: remove dragged element if not dropped in the drop 
> area
>             }
>         }
>     );
> }
> $(document).ready(function(){
>     (...)
>     makeDraggable("#addons .draggable");
>     $("button[name='rebind']").click(function() {
>         $("#addons .draggable").toggleClass("highlighted");
>         makeDraggable("#addons .draggable");
>     });
> });
> What happens is that the initial draggable divs work fine. They can be
> dragged and dropped onto the big image. But the created clones do not
> respond to dragging (i.e they are not draggable). I think they should
> because of the makeDraggable(".draggable") line in the start function
> of the draggable.
> I've created the 'rebind' button to explicitly assign dragability to
> the clones but it did not help. (I've only added the
> toggleClass("highlighted") to see if the selection formula is correct,
> it is.
> Has anyone had the same problem or is this a bug? (I've tried in
> several browsers none of them worked). Or am I being silly?
> Thank you for your help in advance,
> Balint

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