I have two AJAX requests which are depended on each other. One is for
retrieving chat messages, and another - for sending.
Here's the code. First - message "getter".

function getData() {
setTimeout("getData()", reloadTimeout);
type: "GET", url: "chat.php",
success: function(xhr) {
getDataXHR = xhr;
error: function() {

Second one, now - message sender.

function send (msg, to) {
$.get("send.php", { msg: msg, userId: userId, to: to } );

The issue:
Messages get "swallowed" sometimes, probably because of getData()
function requesting chat.php and the message is sent the same time as
the getData() request.
What i need to is; wait until getData() is done (or isn't even
initiated) and THEN send the message.
YES, i have Googled, tried different options, but i can't find the
right solution.

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