Hi All,

I was wondering if someone could help refine a content toggling
solution that I have now. As of now, the demo page below takes the
first 3 <p> elements within a parent <div> with a specific ID and
hides the remainder of the paragraphs in this parent <div> by placing
them in a newly created <div> and then creating an <a> element that
toggles the visibility of this new <div> container.


I'd like to be able to include other elements besides <p> within the
original parent <div> and have JQuery count and display the first
three child elements (regardless of what they are) of the parent <div>
and hide the remainder as it does now. Does anyone have any advice on
how to think about or execute this?

Please note: the demo above contains other elements aside from <p>
elements to demonstrate the current limitations of what I have now.

Thanks for your help as always.

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