Wow, I feel like I just gave birth.

So there's certainly some bugs left which I'm tweaking out, but I've
finally delivered not only my first web application -- but also a
jQuery powered one (using the lovely Code Igniter as my backend)!

A little background and some words of inspiration. On resume, I'm a
systems administrator / network engineer. I was recently approached by
an individual I went to highschool with that just remembers me being a
typical computer geek and asked me if I can program. I told him I'm up
for any challenge and alas the following was born:

I've always had a background in programming with my CS education and
ofcourse, writing automated scripts in any systems/network environment
I've been thrown at, mostly perl/bash based.

Let me tell you, never have I had more fun before, despite all the
cross browser frustrations when writing front-end code, than doing web
development. I'm slowly switching my career to doing development full
time and hoping I have the opportunity to code more sites. The design
here has been mostly put together by a colleague of mine -- I did all
of the javascript/PHP/database design, he did 90% of the CSS/HTML, I
did the other 10%.

Most of the "juice" for this site is in the administrative lounge. For
obvious reasons I can't deliver f1auto's, but I do have a
demonstration site up anyone can login to and have fun with at:
login: admin
pass: f1auto

There's a mixture of jQuery+ExtJS objects floating around the site.
This thing also pushes all of this companies inventory AUTOMAGICALLY
every morning through a cron job to and  They
no longer have to put in their inventory manually!

I plan on writing an eBay extension soon as well using their API.

Wow, there's still a lot of room for improvement. But I'm excited as
hell. Nothing like getting paid to do what you love. I can't wait to
be doing this full time.

Leave some love! :-) If you've got hate, leave it also, it'll give me
more inspiration to work harder on bug fixes and my next project. :-)

-- Steve Finkelstein
zuez on EFnet / FreeNode IRC

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