We are currently designing a very dynamic application, and we thought
we could use Jframe, from 
to do ajax calls instead of having to write jquery ajax calls code for
forms, DIVs, etc, that we constantly remove and add to the DOM.

It works excellent with regular links, however, it seems to have a
problem with forms. Here's an example:

When you click on the link, the result of the link is displayed on a
DIV at the bottom. This is done by jframe without any need for ajax
calls. The response is XML and formatted for the popular taconite, and
it is just a simple SlideToggle. You can see the code in Firebug.

However, when submitting a form to the same link, which responds with
the same Taconite formatted XML, it fails and Firebug shows:

Node cannot be inserted at the specified point in the hierarchy. code:

I would be willing to not use Jframe for the forms, however, how do I
add such ajax calls to forms that are being added into the DOM

I hope someone can help... I've been burning my neural cells with this
problem for quite a while...

Peter :)

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