I'm trying doing some effects with Taconite and have some sucess.

My XHR return this:
    <empty select="#tbproduto tbody" />
    <append select="#tbproduto tbody">some tr xhtml codes</append>
    <fadeIn select="#tbproduto tbody tr:eq(0)" />
    <fadeIn select="#tbproduto tbody tr:eq(1)" />
    <fadeIn select="#tbproduto tbody tr:eq(2)" />
    <fadeIn select="#tbproduto tbody tr:eq(3)" arg1="5000" />

That work fine, inclusive that XML

    <empty select="#tbproduto tbody" />
    <append select="#tbproduto tbody">some tr xhtml codes</append>
    <fadeIn select="#tbproduto tbody tr" />

But, I wish fadeIn or show each html tr, one by one, just like a

There any way to do that with Taconite?

Thz all.

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