
What im trying to do is that when the esc key is pressed on the text
input field (id = txtSearch), some code will run.

this is my code:

$(document).ready(function() {

           $('#txtSearch').bind('keyup', function(e) {

                var characterCode; // literal character code will be
stored in this variable
                if (e && e.which) { //if which property of event
object is supported (NN4)
                    e = e;
                    characterCode = e.which; //character code is
contained in NN4's which property
                else {
                    characterCode = e.keyCode; //character code is
contained in IE's keyCode property

                if (characterCode == 27)  //if generated character
code is equal to ascii 27 (if esc key)
                    //do stuff


It doesnt work for me. however, if i would change that line: $
('#txtSearch').bind('keyup', function(e) {
$(document).bind('keyup', function(e) {

everything works. but i dont want to bind the keyup with esc to the
whole document...

any suggestions on how i can bind the the keyup only with the specific
text search element?


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