I apologize if this is already answered somewhere, as I could not find

If the client is constantly calling ajax objects and those objects are
bringing with them additional jQuery scripts, how does jQuery handle
the removal and handling of objects that go away, because they are
replace by a new object with a new script. Does one have to use a
destroy/unbind to prevent memory/storage from growing?

For example:

 1) Client page loads
 2) Page loads an edit (ObjA edit) via ajax, and the object is loaded
with it's own set of validation and jquery functions.
 3) ObjA edit is completed, so a new edit is loaded for ObjB (an
entirely different object, not just a new instance of ObjA). Before
load the div storing the edit is cleared. The newly loaded edit (ObjB
edit) has it's own unique logic and validation.

Will jQuery still contain the bound events and created functions for
ObjA, eventhough the div was cleared?


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