[jQuery] jquery json error non well-formed

2009-11-18 Thread sportfantasy
Hi, I using ajax method with json dataType. My application run but mozilla js console print error message: Errore: non well-formed ... My json string is: {XMax:16.04849609375,XMin:10.55533203125,YMax:45.16953125,YMin: 39.6763671875} I generate it using json-lib for java language. Help me

[jQuery] jQuery/JSON forms issue: tries to download response

2009-10-09 Thread Jim
I have a file upload form (see end of email) that I am am processing with jQuery so that it can be submitted via AJAX. When I click the submit button, the form sends as it should (I can see the submit went properly in the server logs). However, the response doesn't get handled properly. In the

[jQuery] jQuery, JSON and AJAX (help please)

2009-07-16 Thread Phil
Hi, Im new to ajax and serverside scripting (forgive me for the rediculous questions i will ask i'm only 15). I want to create a page where there is an auto-comples plugin that will pull the values from a JSON database(?) Once the user clicks on the value it will populate a container div with

[jQuery] jQuery JSON-RPC Server

2009-06-25 Thread Tuvok
http://tanabi.com/projects/jsonrpc jQuery JSON-RPC Server This is a JSON-RPC server, specifically made to work with the Zend Framework JSON RPC Server. The Zend Framework JSON-RPC server is mildly off spec, and therefore this may not work with other JSON-RPC servers. This JSON-RPC client polls

[jQuery] jquery json

2009-05-31 Thread Peter Marino
Hi jQuery, I've just found out the existence of json... and apparently there should be a jquery json script somewhere.. where? think it's called jquery.json.js I would like to download it from the site that created it. regards, Peter -- Power Tumbling - http://www.powertumbling.dk OSG-Help -

[jQuery] jquery json and zend_json

2007-12-12 Thread jforth
I'm trying to test something here and having issues getting it to work. here's my jquery script : // I should get an alert object if it works? but in firebug all I get is invalid label. var url =

[jQuery] jQuery JSON

2007-07-20 Thread pdp
I am not sure if this helps, but here you go... a simple JSON plugin for jQuery. http://www.gnucitizen.org/projects/jquery-json/ I will add also the JSON serializing and deserializing features from AttackAPI (http://www.gnucitizen.org/projects/attackapi) soon. cheers