I have created a website for a friend of mine that is a musician. The
website is not live yet, it is on a hidden portion of the server.
Anyways, the website is using jQuery to handle the "pages". All of the
code is actually on the index page and the jQuery tells what div on
the page to show when a link on the navigation is clicked... If you
look at the site in Firefox, and you let the page load... once you
click on a link, you will notice the edges of the website will jump a
lot... all of the pages do this, and I am not sure what is causing it.
It looks fine in IE, but does it in Firefox and Safari... Any
suggestions are greatly appreciated!

Site Address: http://www.stephenhunley.com/web

Something else to add... this problem does not show up on the
following browsers...

Mac Firefox 3.0.5
Mac Safari 3.2.1
PC IE 7.0
PC Safari 3.2.1
The site even plays nice with IE 6.0 (on my Mac through Parallels
running Windows XP)...

The only browser that I have noticed the issue on is the PC version of
Firefox 3.0.5

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