[jQuery] Parsing XML using find() has stopped working in jQuery 1.3+

2009-07-15 Thread skube
Hi, I'm wondering if anyone might be able to shed some light on this situation. I have been using jQuery 1.2.6 to parse XML and find specific nodes. However, when I simply change the jQuery version to 1.3.2 the following fails to work in IE, though still continues to work fine in Firefox.

[jQuery] Parsing XML with IE?

2009-05-07 Thread ScottChiefBaker
The following example works great in Firefox, and Chrome but fails miserably in IE (6,7,8). I'm running JQuery 1.3.2 if it makes a difference: $('resp',rootrespvalue/resp/root).text(); That evaluates to vaule in everything except IE. Am I missing something?

[jQuery] Parsing XML and appending to an array?

2009-05-07 Thread Alan at DSI
I'm new to jQuery and what I am trying to do is take the XML response below and obtain the src attribute from each image. I then want to append that value to an array which can be used later. Now my issue is when it gets to Code: $('response', returnedXMLResponse).each(function(){ ... } it

[jQuery] parsing xml

2009-01-01 Thread jhm
I'm new to jquery and I'm trying to do a simple xml parse. When I use the .each() to get the tags, if there is more than one tag in the file, nothing more in the script gets processed. In the code below, you'll see two alerts. If I comment out the .each() line I get both alerts. If I leave it

[jQuery] parsing xml with jquery adding filter

2008-07-25 Thread Anatalsceo
hello, I'm trying to parse some info from an XML file with a filter to get only one part of a the infos. it doesn't seem to work. can someone help. here is my code: function getImageName(marque) { $.get(xml/listeProduits.xml,{},function(xml){ // Build an

[jQuery] Parsing XML using jQuery

2008-07-09 Thread Wallonman
Hi, Some hours that I don't understand why this basic Xml parsing with JQuery doesn't work: $(document).ready(function() { var xml = '?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8? rootpHello World!/p/root'; alert($(p, xml).text()); }); I get an

[jQuery] Parsing XML using jQuery

2008-01-29 Thread step kapusta
Thanks, David! :) Your example helped me a lot to find a solution! The problem was somewhere other. That xml file is generateв with PHP-script. But forget to send the right header using header(Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8); before XML contents output! Realy stupid mistake!

[jQuery] Parsing XML using jQuery

2008-01-28 Thread step kapusta
I have a problem, couldn't solve it for a long time. I have the following XML file, returned from ajax: ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8? root buildingsList building id1/id addressVarvarka, 1/address city_id1/city_id /building building id2/id addressNikolskaya,

[jQuery] parsing xml

2007-07-14 Thread quez
my xml looks something like: response message biothe bio/bio votedthe votes/voted /message message bioanother bio/bio votedlikewise, another vote/voted /message /response I'm new to jquery. I'd like to place these in an array so I can access votes/bio

[jQuery] parsing xml

2007-05-17 Thread gendruwo
All, if i have an xml file like this Records Record Field id=1 name=Name value=My Full name /Field Field id=2 name=Address value=My Address /Field Field id=3 name=Telephone value=12345678 /Field Field id=4 name=Age value=27 /Field Field id=5 name=Occupation