I've been trying to make my very ajaxy site more SEO friendly, lots of
the returned actions from ajax can be retrieved as a full page, so
it's just a matter of exposing the links.
Up until now I've had 'span' tags which I have now changed to 'a href'
so that the search engines will follow them.

I've added the following code so that if the event should send an ajax
request, it does that, or if it should go get the full page, it does
var vtid=jQuery(this)..parent('div.controller').parent('li').attr
        clicked(getSelected, eventid);
        } else {
return false;

This works to prevent the link from being followed in FF, and IE7/8.
The ajax is triggered properly, and all is good.

In IE, if the link is clicked multiple time consecutively, then
everything is fine.
If the link is clicked once, then another link is clicked, then the
user goes back to the previously clicked link, the link is followed,
and the above code is ignored.

Seems that maybe in IE, the livequery needs to be renewed or
something, does that make sense? or is their a way for me to 're-
affirm' the link?

Seems my other option may be to include the link and a span as I had
originally done, and then hide the link via javascript, as I recall
that search engines won't follow links hidden by css.

Anybody have any suggestions on this?

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