Hello mates,

i have an object datascape which among other things, contains a
property storing the mouse position, and a function that uses that
property. Inside another method i

var datascape = {
   'mouseX': 0,
   'myInterval': 0,
   'create': function(){
       $('#datascape').bind('mousemove', function(e)
            this.mouseX = e.pageX;
        }).bind("mouseover", function()
            this.myInterval = setInterval(this.move, 200);

        }).bind("mouseout", function()

   'move': function(){
          $.log('datascape.move : mouseX = ' + this.mouseX);

Yet the script does not work:
firebug console points at the setInterval call, saying:

useless setInterval call (missing quotes around argument?)
Line 172

can someone help me / explain what i'm doing wrong ?

Thank you,


PS: to all jquerians: happy 2009 !!

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