Hey there

I have a simple beginner problem. I have a link, that is opening a new
windows with flash sound in it.... the client wants that! hmpff......

After I clicked the link "sound on" the a href text should change to
sound off. also the link itself should change to

You can find my attempt here

1. Hardcoded Link <a href="javascript:popUp('sound.html')"
id="gomusic">sound on</a>
2. User KLICK (Popup opens)
3. Link change to <a href="javascript:sound.close()"
id="gomusic">sound off</a>
4. User KLICK (Popup close)
5. Link change to <a href="javascript:popUp('sound.html')"
id="gomusic">sound on</a>
repeat from 2.

got it?

something is broken, and I think I am doing some basic
can someone enlighten me?

Thank you very much

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