I have a new project on my plate to create an interface "similar to
Netflix", basically, a lightbox effect.

By its very nature, the content in the lightbox will be in the form of an


Which plug in would be recommended? There seems to be a number of them that
do similar effects. I am unsure of what the plusses and minuses of each are.


Are they all up to date with the current release of jquery? (Though it looks
like this project will be staying with 1.1.2 for awhile.)


There is some question as to the height of the included page in the Iframe.
The height of the included page may be variable, and the desire is to have a
variable height of the iframe. That is, not to have a scroll bar in the
iframe, but to scroll the including page (this is not a hard and fast
requirement) Do any of these plugins have a feature like this?


Does anyone have a preferred plugin for this type of user interface? Any
that are too old or have other issues and should be avoided?


Thanks in advance






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