Hi all,

I'm using $(window).resize() to adjust a div height on the fly.

I've found that mucking about with the window size causes IE6 & IE7 to hang
- I guess because too many events are being fired for IE to cope?

Here's my code :

function content_resize() { 
            var w = $( window ); 
            var H = w.height(); 
            $( '#content' ).css( {height: H-270} ); 
$(document).ready(function() {
        $( window ).resize( content_resize ); 

I'm using jquery 1.2.2 and the dimensions plugin. I've also tried the
wresize plugin which addresses duplicated resize events in IE but both cause
the same hang when browser window altered quickly.

Anyone else seen this? Are there any workarounds?

sean ronan
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