[jQuery] selecting elements containing colons

2007-04-14 Thread Sean Catchpole
I know that jQuery made the decision not to allow selection of elements with colons in them, however it is valid XML. Here is an example piece of code I am getting back from an ajax call: item news:specialFree chicken!/news:special /item Any ideas how I can select the news:special item? ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Calendar / Schedule Component.

2007-04-16 Thread Sean Catchpole
Google Calendar has several widgets/gadgets. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Bug : IE + slidetoggle + input radio

2007-04-16 Thread Sean Catchpole
Nash, do you have an example we can look at? ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Library showdowns

2007-04-16 Thread Sean Catchpole
Jake, Here's a problem that jQuery can't do. It doesn't support Curried Functions. Now that's not really fair because javascript does not support curried functions either. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curried_function But I can think of a way that one could hack the same effect, can you?

[jQuery] Re: Library showdowns

2007-04-17 Thread Sean Catchpole
Actually, I think this is quite easy in Javascript. If you look at the code listings in the Wikipedia article [1], Javascript has more succinct code than anything but scheme, and scheme's advantage mostly has to do with it's simpler syntax for functions. -- Scott [1]

[jQuery] Re: Reducing this code.

2007-04-17 Thread Sean Catchpole
Also, what's Sean talking about when he says: lets say the focus function gets called twice (through malicious javascript or a quirky browser) then the toggle state of the class will be off. But in general I prefer your implementation. Is this something i need to worry about? Is this

[jQuery] Re: New To List - Question about JModal - DNR

2007-04-17 Thread Sean Catchpole
Can you link an example or paste some code? ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Altering jQuery (packed) to work in greasemonkey

2007-04-17 Thread Sean Catchpole
Yansky, I was going to wait for the next version of jQuery, but I'll try to get a working version of jQuery for userscripts again. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Library showdowns

2007-04-18 Thread Sean Catchpole
On 4/18/07, Christof Donat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Currying doesn't give you float function(float a) { return mycallback(a,42); } Of course it does, you just have to clever. let us say you have this function: divide = function(a){ return function(b){ return a/b; }} If you want to create

[jQuery] Re: Spam on this list

2007-04-18 Thread Sean Catchpole
Spam is not the only problem I'm receiving. Sometimes I don't get the original message sent to me via email and then I only get someone's reply to it. Google needs to step up their game, or we should find another host. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: What is wrong with this code

2007-04-20 Thread Sean Catchpole
jQuery(item_content).filter(#contentpane .contentpane p, :first); Filter removes those items from your search. Perhaps you want to use find instead. Try the following code: jQuery.get(item_link,function(item_content){ var new_content =jQuery(#contentpane .contentpane

[jQuery] Re: Is there an image cropping plugin?

2007-04-20 Thread Sean Catchpole
I don't think there is a crop plugin, but there is an ImagePan (http://motherrussia.polyester.se/jquery/panview/) plugin that you might find usefull. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: ajax Error

2007-04-20 Thread Sean Catchpole
Hi Simon, I'd recommend using http://jquery.com/api/ and firebug to help you debug. You're function looks ok, but I think error is an object that contains lots of data. Check out $.ajaxError at the api I linked. Let me know if you have more questions. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: What is wrong with this code

2007-04-20 Thread Sean Catchpole
Can you post some sample html that you're working with? It's a little hard to work blind. Filter would remove your search from the results, find would leave on your search in the results. apples oranges bananas filter oranges would leave: apples and bananas find oranges would leave: oranges

[jQuery] Re: What is wrong with this code

2007-04-20 Thread Sean Catchpole
You're absolutely right. I think at some point in jQuery's past this was flipped, but I'm glad to know that the filter functions works as intended now. Sorry for the confusion. =( ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Image dynamic resizing

2007-04-20 Thread Sean Catchpole
I assume $('img').css({width:'100px'}); is not what you want. Are you asking for something with an image slider. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Can it be done? (Modifying plugin parameters at runtime)

2007-04-23 Thread Sean Catchpole
Hello Simon, Yes, your onResize function can change the values of maxWidth. Here is an example: $('#resizeMe').Resizable( { minWidth: 50, minHeight: 50, maxWidth: 400, maxHeight: 400, // etc. etc.

[jQuery] Re: automatic scroll like google calendar

2007-04-23 Thread Sean Catchpole
Javascript has a built in scrollTo(x,y) function. One would only need to get the .offsetTop of the element and viola. Ok well perhaps that was over simplified, but at least there's some stuff to point you in the right direction. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Arbitrary Number of Parents

2007-04-23 Thread Sean Catchpole
Kim, I think you are right. $(this).parents(div.foo) should work. The following might also work: $(../div.foo,this) But I haven't had time to punch that in myself yet. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Show()/Hide() Bug?

2007-04-23 Thread Sean Catchpole
I ran you code in FireFox and in IE6 and recieved no such error. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: How to make a methode in jQuery

2007-04-24 Thread Sean Catchpole
Try: $.fn.cropImage = function() { ... } Although this may be old syntax. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: plugins page!!!!

2007-04-25 Thread Sean Catchpole
The new plugin page looks good. This would be an ideal time to put in a rating or digg system. Having the top 5/10 plugins is always helpful. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Obsolete xml data islands

2007-04-25 Thread Sean Catchpole
I'm sorry, what was the question? ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Obsolete xml data islands

2007-04-26 Thread Sean Catchpole
Hi Dave, On 4/26/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Sean, I am fishing...If you are supporting a jQuery app, how much effort goes into supporting browser changes and incompatibilities?. - Dave Most of the browser incompatibilities I've had to deal with have been with CSS not with

[jQuery] Re: Show and Hide DIV

2007-04-26 Thread Sean Catchpole
On 4/26/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: No need to store anything in a variable. That gets murky. Just hide them all via a selection on class and then show the one you want after that. Then you need not remember anything about state. That takes more processing time, and for

[jQuery] Re: Ajax application history

2007-04-26 Thread Sean Catchpole
Nathan, A long time ago I made a simple proof of concept script on this: http://www.sunsean.com/Jistory/ ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: newsticker plugin updated

2007-04-27 Thread Sean Catchpole
Glad to see this is still alive Sam, excellent plugin. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Replacing the contents of a div that uses newsticker plug-in

2007-04-28 Thread Sean Catchpole
Looking at the code for newticker, you might/should be able to just recall $(ul).newsticker() and it should reset the ul. If for some reason it doesn't work, then this might be the change that the plugin needs: stopTicker = function(el) { if(el.tickfn) clearInterval(el.tickfn); } ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Determining when an image is fully loaded

2007-04-28 Thread Sean Catchpole
Try this: $('#pictures').html(...).bind(load,function(){...}); ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Newbie -- How to retrieve img src value in function?

2007-04-28 Thread Sean Catchpole
Try drag.src ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Pagination ajax

2007-04-30 Thread Sean Catchpole
I may have misinterpreted what you are trying to do, but perhaps this will work: $(navigation); function navigation() { $('.nav_paginacion ul li a').click(function() { $.get( this.href, function(data) { $(#comment_block).html(data); navigation(); }); return false; }); }

[jQuery] OT: Suppress Apache Authentication

2007-05-01 Thread Sean Catchpole
Simple problem: I add an image from an external site to the page and sometimes the site is protected by Apache authentication so it pops up a login box. This is really annoying, any ideas on how this can be suppressed. All creative suggestions accepted. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: OT: Suppress Apache Authentication

2007-05-01 Thread Sean Catchpole
Ok, so now I have this same scenario where I am trying to load ajax from a apache authenticated area and it popping up with the login box. Is there any way to hide that? I'm looking all over the web, but I haven't found anything yet. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: MooTools 1.1

2007-05-08 Thread Sean Catchpole
On 5/8/07, John Resig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I agree - they did a very nice job with the demos site. I'm sure we could arrange for something similar on the main site. We should really push an effort to create as many cutpaste example as possible. People see, they grab, they edit. That's

[jQuery] Re: Thanks to Karl Swedberg During the Downtime

2007-05-08 Thread Sean Catchpole
Thanks Karl! ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: MooTools 1.1

2007-05-09 Thread Sean Catchpole
Ralf, I know that jQuery can do everything that mootools can, and often better. But just because I know doesn't mean other people do. MooTools looks sexy, and jQuery, for the moment being, lacks that. Jeffrey, that's exactly my point. We should have more examples of jQuery's abilities. As I

[jQuery] Re: Tabs

2007-05-14 Thread Sean Catchpole
Try adding the following at the end of the code: script type=text/javascript $.tabs(container); /script ~Sean --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups jQuery (English) group. To post to this group, send

[jQuery] Re: Detecting the next url when onunload called?

2007-05-14 Thread Sean Catchpole
This is what I would do: //inside head leavingSite = false; window.onunload = function(){ leavingSite = true; setTimeout(if(leavingSite){ [insert ajax] },2000); } If the new page does not load in 2 seconds or the user left the site, then the script will execute. (although I'm not sure what

[jQuery] (OT) Node.prototype

2007-05-15 Thread Sean Catchpole
Mozilla (Firefox) can extend Node, but IE cannot. Here's a snippet of what I am trying to do: Node.prototype.ac = function(e) { this.appendChild(e); } The problem is that Node is not defined in IE. Does anyone have any bright ideas on how we can trick IE into working also? ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Next/Previous Links

2007-05-16 Thread Sean Catchpole
I was storing the onclick text, and eval() evaluates a string of javascript. This means that the functions that would be executed on click would instead be executed right then (at the eval). I hope that helps. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Next / Previous Links

2007-05-17 Thread Sean Catchpole
Hi Brad, I got the HTML from the link you posted. So try this (somewhere in head): script type=text/javascript var linklist = new Array(); var currlink = 0; $(function(){ $(#vidLinks, #vidLinks2, #vidLinks3, #vidLinks4).find(li a).each(function(){ linklist[linklist.length] =

[jQuery] Re: Next / Previous Links

2007-05-18 Thread Sean Catchpole
Yup, you go it! ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Google Code SVN Issue

2007-05-22 Thread Sean Catchpole
I am able to pull a copy using: svn checkout *http*://jqueryjs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ jqueryjs I'm not sure why you are getting that error though. Perhaps it is a DNS issue? You could try switching you DNS to openDNS.com ~Sean

[jQuery] OT: XML vs JSON

2007-05-22 Thread Sean Catchpole
I really like json, and the ability to recognize arrays is great. However, there is strength of xml in that order can be preserved. I can not think of a way to implement this in json. Is it possible and I am simply blind to the truth? XML: pbTitle/biSubtitle/ibAuthor/b/p JSON:

[jQuery] Re: OT: Suppress Apache Authentication

2007-05-22 Thread Sean Catchpole
To follow up on the result of this. I can not use ajax for requesting information from another site (bummer). However I only originally wanted an image that wouldn't popup a security login window. Using this works beautifully: var img = new Image(); //Don't use document.createElement(img);

[jQuery] Re: OT: XML vs JSON

2007-05-22 Thread Sean Catchpole
Jake, A great idea, however the problem is how can JSON represent the order correctly? Currently, it would output both b tags before the i, whereas the desired effect is to output the first b, then the i, then the second b tag, in that order. ~Sean P.S. The xml is just an example scenario.

[jQuery] Re: OT: XML vs JSON

2007-05-22 Thread Sean Catchpole
Just as a note, the following code produces this output: Author-Subtitle- var json = {p:{b:Title,i:Subtitle,b:Author}}; for(x in json.p) document.write(json.p[x]+-); And the following code produces this output: Title,Author-Subtitle- var json = {p:{b:[Title,Author],i:Subtitle}}; for(x in

[jQuery] Re: Shortest Selector

2007-05-22 Thread Sean Catchpole
I believe that might be the shortest way to get the element, however if speed is your concern, then I suggest storing the divs before hand. Give this code a try: var div = $(tr td div); $(tr td a).each(function(i){ $(this).click(function(){ alert(div[i].innerHTML); return false; }); });

[jQuery] Re: Google Code SVN Issue - PROBLEM RESOLVED

2007-05-23 Thread Sean Catchpole
That's great news. Thanks for the feedback Rey. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Hacker wants to format Ajax Data elegantly

2007-05-23 Thread Sean Catchpole
Why not send the data back as JSON, and then parse through it server side. There are probably some small scripts that already do this for ASP. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: NEWS: jQuery Mentioned on MrBool.com

2007-05-23 Thread Sean Catchpole
As others have mentioned, plugins are the main form of reusable code. This is not very different from creating a carefully constructed Object in a OO language. In fact I find most OO languages to not have very reusable code, the only languages that support re-usability in my opinion, are

[jQuery] Re: background-position

2007-05-23 Thread Sean Catchpole
Liam, I highly recommend checking out the panView Plugin: http://motherrussia.polyester.se/jquery/panview/ or jQPanView: http://projects.sevir.org/storage/jpanview/index.html ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Loading before teh DOM is ready

2007-05-24 Thread Sean Catchpole
try adding the javascript right after the body tag. bodyscript type=text/javascript [jQuery stuff] /script ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Weirdness in IE

2007-05-24 Thread Sean Catchpole
$(document).ready(function(){ /*$(h1).after(hr class=\thinDivider\ /);*/ $(h1).after(span class=\thinDivider\/span); }); You forgot to end you span tag: $(function(){ $(h1).after(span class=\thinDivider\/span); }); ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Comet

2007-05-24 Thread Sean Catchpole
I assume you are talking about this plugin: http://empireenterprises.com/_comet.htm Then you can download it here: http://empireenterprises.com/_share/jquery.comet.js ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Loading before teh DOM is ready

2007-05-24 Thread Sean Catchpole
i´m creating the #loading by PHP only hides the body if #loading is inside the body tag it will be hidden too when you say $(body).hide(); this works when nothing is submit, but when submit the form dont show I'm really not sure what you're talking about unless I see an example. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: jquery.tabs - is it possible?

2007-05-25 Thread Sean Catchpole
Klaus, Since the div's that are being toggle all have IDs that means they are unique, so why not search the document namespace instead of just the containing div? ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: tableFilter Beta 2 is now live

2007-05-25 Thread Sean Catchpole
I'm not sure how you're doing your sorting, but you may find the following useful: // Array.Sort //Original: http://weetbixthecat.com/blog/2006/faster-javascript-sorting/ if(!Array.prototype.Sort) Array.prototype.Sort = function(p,f) { if (typeof p != string) throw new TypeError(); var o =

[jQuery] Re: tableFilter Beta 2 is now live

2007-05-25 Thread Sean Catchpole
On 5/25/07, Daemach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: tableFilter can do a multi-column sort on an 800-row table in under 60ms - it takes a bit longer to move the table rows around :) Ah, well that's great news. I agree that manipulating the DOM is what takes a while. It sounds like you are

[jQuery] Re: A demo and an optimization question

2007-05-27 Thread Sean Catchpole
I think the problem is not the javascript, but instead the browser. Trying to change the display of a thousand items can cause it to be a little slow. I present to you a small example, that shows javascript can handle many items at once, and since the browser only has to display a few items at

[jQuery] Re: index of an element

2007-05-29 Thread Sean Catchpole
I'm trying to get this working: jQuery('#accordion [EMAIL PROTECTED]').click(function(){ var rank = jQuery('#accordion p').index(function(){jQuery(this).parent('p').eq(0)}); }); I'm not sure why you would want to do this, but the following should get the effect your desire.

[jQuery] Re: .parents(expr)

2007-05-29 Thread Sean Catchpole
It would appear that you idea does not work. Just as a note about testing. Open any jQuery page and Firebug, and viola, you have little playground to try quick jQuery lines. ~Sean P.S. I wrote a plugin to find jQuery pages: http://www.sunsean.com/jquerydetect/

[jQuery] Re: Finding first text element

2007-05-29 Thread Sean Catchpole
I'm writing this off the top of my head, but it should be at least close to functional. jQ: $(#id1).children().filter(function(){return $(this).text()!=;}).filter(:eq(0)).text() Or if you intend to use this a lot, you could write a small plugin: (function($){ $.fn.textNode(index){ index =

[jQuery] Re: trigger $(document).ready manually

2007-05-29 Thread Sean Catchpole
Mathias, The solution is simplier than it seems. function foo(){...} $(document).ready(foo); //someplace where you want to call the document.ready again foo(); By wrapping the code that you want to call from document.ready inside a function it is easy to call again at any time. Of course

[jQuery] Re: Events firing twice

2007-05-30 Thread Sean Catchpole
I think that some other code might be creating this problem. Do you have an example page of this happening? ~Sean

[jQuery] Colon Operator

2007-05-31 Thread Sean Catchpole
Will jquery 1.1.3 support the colon operator? ex: $(xsl\:template) I know that : is used in jQuery, but \: seems very possible. It would be nice to parse through xml files with colons in them. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: JQuery Gurus: a challenge for you. Hide and Show

2007-05-31 Thread Sean Catchpole
You bet, try binding an onClick function in the tabs plugin that will detect when the last tab is clicked. Look at the documentation and source code of the tabs plugin for more information. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Updating ID in two places

2007-05-31 Thread Sean Catchpole
I don't think that will work. If d is your span, then it doesn't have an attribute of productSizeName. Perhaps you should consider changing the html around a little, it seems a little unorganized. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: tabs plugin with imagebox?

2007-05-31 Thread Sean Catchpole
When I visit the page in both IE and Firefox it seems to load on top of the page just fine. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Showing indicator while loading options in select box

2007-06-01 Thread Sean Catchpole
Two ideas. One idea would be to have a small (20ms) timeout before populating the second select box. The other (faster) option is to create several select boxes (of each possible second box), then simply show/hide which box they should be editing. The second approach should also be faster for

[jQuery] Re: Javascript question: Get elementid inside an element

2007-06-01 Thread Sean Catchpole
As stated, the document.getElementById will only work on document, and will only return the unique id. It is in fact very bad practice to have multiple id's and it is not unreasonable for javascript to fail if there are more than one. Just use a class instead of an id if there needs to be

[jQuery] Re: Watermark Input Plugin Beta 1

2007-06-01 Thread Sean Catchpole
Slightly off topic, but why would you not want them to enter the http://; does that really complicate things? Great plugin btw, although I really like using the title attribute as much as possible, so I like Alex's suggested script too. Keep up the good work everyone. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: onhover Tips

2007-06-01 Thread Sean Catchpole
Viewing the source is never a bad way to learn in my opinion. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Watermark Input Plugin Beta 1

2007-06-01 Thread Sean Catchpole
Josh, It's your baby now, have fun with it. If you implement the title idea, I recommend automatically running Watermark on all inputs with a title attribute (if your script is included). ie: $([EMAIL PROTECTED]).Watermark(); Making scripts plug-and-play is one of the best ways to reach a

[jQuery] Re: Bug? $('#foo #bar')

2007-06-04 Thread Sean Catchpole
More importantly, why are you using two ID's? Remember, ID's are supposed to be unique, so just $('#bar') should work. If your ID's aren't unique, I highly suggest you change them to classes. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Bug? $('#foo #bar')

2007-06-05 Thread Sean Catchpole
I suppose I can see a few applications of using multiple id's, but I'm still curious why using classes instead is not a better option. On 6/5/07, patcoll [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: #home #logo #interior #logo You could for example have div id=home class=logo My point is that, id's and

[jQuery] Re: [ot] hijacking threads for non-threaded readers.

2007-06-05 Thread Sean Catchpole
On 6/5/07, Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: So, for us gmail users, we have to remember to compose a new message , rather then hitting reply and changing the subject. Just to make sure I understand you. Gmail users can still hit reply as long as they don't change the subject right? ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: firebug displays jQuery is not defined on page load

2007-06-06 Thread Sean Catchpole
I have a feeling the problem is with this code: /* highlight TR */ 25 $(#prj tr).mouseover(function(){ 26 $(this).addClass(over); 27 }) 28 .mouseout(function(){ 29 $(this).removeClass(over); 30 } 31 ); Try taking that out or changing it this: $(prj tr).hover( function(){ $(this).addClass(over);

[jQuery] ajax html (don't run scripts)

2007-06-08 Thread Sean Catchpole
Is it possible to call $.ajax and have it load an html page, but without running the scripts? It would do dataType:xml, but then it doesn't return the proper response text. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Greasemonkey + jquery + functions

2007-06-08 Thread Sean Catchpole
Not sure why your script isn't working. You can review the code of another jQuery greasemonkey script here: http://userscripts.org/scripts/source/6061 ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: jquery documentation as xml?

2007-06-12 Thread Sean Catchpole
Is the documentation's raw content available somewhere online? Yes it is, on the API page: http://jquery.com/api/ You find a link to many versions of the api, like XML and JSON. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: SlickSpeed CSS Selector TestSuite

2007-06-12 Thread Sean Catchpole
I hear a lot of discussion about how jQuery isn't that slow, the test wasn't perfectly fair (what test is?), that keeping code small is important, and that development time is the most important thing. 1) Lots of people take speed tests seriously, even if they're not a good way to judge a

[jQuery] Re: Why I can't access to a tag in a div

2007-06-12 Thread Sean Catchpole
You have to rebind the clicks after the ajax loads: $.ajax({ type: GET, url: news.php, success: function(msg){ $(#response).fadeIn(slow).html(msg); $(#response a).click(function(){ alert(Hello); return false; )}; } }); ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: ANNOUNCE: Speed Tests Feedback

2007-06-13 Thread Sean Catchpole
Thanks for the feedback Rey, that's great to hear. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Masked Input Plugin Beta 2a

2007-06-13 Thread Sean Catchpole
Please check it out at: http://digitalbush.com/projects/masked-input-plugin/ I totally dig it Josh, keep up the great work. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Request to all developers: Put version number in file name please

2007-06-13 Thread Sean Catchpole
I completely forgot about this. I'm am using version folders for development and it's very useful. This methodology doesn't require a change in the developers but rather the users of the scripts. The other advantage is that it versions at the folder level instead of the file level. (very

[jQuery] Re: jQuery OOP Question - Need Suggestions

2007-06-13 Thread Sean Catchpole
Hi, Your code looks just fine, I'll just hit on a few stylization points. In general I'm a minimalist and I believe that having whitespace at the appropriate point in code will allow for easier understanding/reading of the code. Often people hit enter and tab at every possible occaision, but

[jQuery] outerHTML

2007-06-13 Thread Sean Catchpole
Can anyone else get the outerHTML of a html object? I can't seem to get it anymore. document.getElementById('log').outerHTML returns undefined. I'm using FF2. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: outerHTML

2007-06-14 Thread Sean Catchpole
On 6/14/07, Jeffrey Kretz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: According to Koch, outerHTML was never supported by FF. Very interesting, thank you. On 6/13/07, Brandon Aaron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Here is a link to a post not too long ago with an outerHTML plugin for jQuery.

[jQuery] Re: Is it possible to show/hide a div with a class one at a time instead of all at once

2007-06-14 Thread Sean Catchpole
Try this: $('li.hide-comm-single').click(function(){ $(this).parents('.comment') .children().not('ul').hide(); return false; }); ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: jquery vertical tabs?

2007-06-15 Thread Sean Catchpole
Only the CSS needs changing. Where it says li { float:left; } take the float:left; part out. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Content peeking through popup in IE - should bgiframe help?

2007-06-15 Thread Sean Catchpole
Scott, the problem is the form (quick-buy). If I put other elements there (instead of the form), they render just fine. I'll play a little more with it, but consider wrapping the quick-buy form in creative ways. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: cloning content from parent page to child page

2007-06-15 Thread Sean Catchpole
When you say pop up, do you mean, window.open style. If that's the case try using something like this: var popup = window.open(...) $(#cloneme).clone().appendTo(body,popup); ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Can Jquery be used to provide an image backup system?

2007-06-15 Thread Sean Catchpole
Thanks Karl, I had no idea there was a complete property. Is this only for images, or all DOM elements? ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: ANNOUNCE: Please Welcome New jQuery Team Member Glen Lipka

2007-06-15 Thread Sean Catchpole
Congrats Glen! I hear your voice a lot in this group and no doubt you will be a great addition to the team. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: ANNOUCE: idTabs plugin released!

2007-06-17 Thread Sean Catchpole
On 6/17/07, Robert Wagner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: it (the link you mentioned) behaves _strange_ in safari. (2.0.4) it hangs a few seconds an then it shows the tabs (sometimes). -robert I'll try to look into this Robert, but I don't have access to a mac atm, do you think the windows version

[jQuery] Re: ANNOUNCE: Proposal for Site Submissions

2007-06-18 Thread Sean Catchpole
Will do. =) ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: ANNOUCE: idTabs plugin released!

2007-06-18 Thread Sean Catchpole
On 6/18/07, Shaun Kester [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I made a quick post with screenshot for you using Safari on windows. I see the loading image briefly, then the page just stops. No tabs show up. http://www.skfox.com/jquery/idtabs-new-jquery-plugin/ Thanks for the screenshot. Apparently there

[jQuery] Re: New Plugin Repository

2007-06-19 Thread Sean Catchpole
Looks great John, glad to see an improvement on the plugin page. It was getting a little crowded, and as you've already stated, a languages (or libraries) greatest strength is it's ability to grow. Cheers ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: New Plugin Repository

2007-06-19 Thread Sean Catchpole
How long does it take to get a registration email (I assume more than 5 minutes isn't good)? ~Sean

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