Hello Guys,

I have created a site using jquery www.arc-max.com/cruisesearch/ the
problem lies in the initial loading of the result page (the front page
is a bit slow but that I can optimize that on my own) . I am using
json to store the result set. The json file can get a bit bloated up
anywhere between 200-400kb depending on the number of results . After
optimizing the graphics and using gzip I have been able to reduce the
load time to around 20 seconds depending on the number of results
(this based on a first time load).

Since i am not that good at  optimizing i wanted to know ...

a) Can the jquery code or the json data be optimized further?  is it a
badly written code ? I know this is very subjective but i am sure
there are things that could be done that i have no clue about ...so
would like to show it to you guys who have had some experience in
analyzing codes.

b) is this possible and how ?  to load two json object one with say 20
results the other with all the results including the first 20.
Initially the first json object gets loaded (small file faster
download hence faster loading of page) while the bigger file gets
loaded in the background and once the user starts using the filter the
data gets pulled in from the complete result file (the bigger file).

Thanks for our help

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