
   +-From: Usha Ladkani <uladk...@in.ibm.com> --
   |_Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2012 15:09:19 +0530 _____
   |Could you please provide me your inputs for below query..

I don't know the reason, but it seems your message had not been
posted to the mailing list.

   > From:   Usha Ladkani/India/IBM
   > To:     jsch-users@lists.sourceforge.net, y...@jcraft.com
   > Cc:     Abdul Shad/India/IBM@IBMIN, Atul A Gohad/India/IBM@IBMIN
   > Date:   10/08/2012 12:26 PM
   > Subject:        Uerent : NIST Special Publication 800-107
   > Hello ,
   > Could you please let me know if JSch upcoming versions will be complaint 
   > with NIST Special Publication 800-107 .
   > As per that standard we need to use HMACSHA256 algorithm , which I don't 
   > see implemented in jsch-0.1.48.jar , which is latest available jar on 
   > internet.
   > Can you please let me know which version of JSch will have this
   > implemented.

The next version will support "hmac-sha2-256" defined in RFC6668[1].

[1] http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6668

Atsuhiko Yamanaka
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