 I am having some problems with some javascript which is produced by a servlet.
Basically the user has to first traverse to the application login page before
launching the servlets. The problem here is when the user has finished with
the servlet app the user has to be redirected to the page that contained the
link to the servlet app login page.
I am using the history object methods for this, but it does not seem to work
properly with IE 3.0 and Navigator 3.0. It does not send the browser back properly.

Is there a way to get this URL from the login page. I am not allowed to use
signed scripts to geet hold of the URL history? This should also work
if the user bookmarks the page and opens the login page in the browser fresh
so that there will not be any link to redirect the user too(in this case
he should be sent to the login page).
Can some javascript guru please help me?

Thanks alot,

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