On Saturday, November 8, 2003, at 02:55 PM, Erik Hatcher wrote:

On Saturday, November 8, 2003, at 02:07 PM, Warner Onstine wrote:
Hi all,
After reading this post by Howard Ship:
http://javatapestry.blogspot.com/ 2003_11_02_javatapestry_archive.html#106823763090126075
I realize that this would help me out in my latest contract alot!

Does anyone know of any OpenSource jsp taglib that does this kind of thing? I've searched on jakarta taglibs, but they don't have anything like this specifically.

You want a JSP taglib to do what exactly? Do what Tapestry does? Dream on! Go to Tapestry or WebOGNL. Screw Struts.

No, not to do what Tapestry does. From the post:
I ended up adding a custom JSP tag to our pages to display servlet request parameters and attributes and session attributes (a limited form of what you see in the Workbench) and that helps, a little.

I think I'm going to use the request and session taglib to do what I need to. Was just hoping there was one kindof debug taglib out there for it.

PS - I wish I could move away from Struts for this, but I can't ;-).



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