That dude Hatcher writes in his Ant book and his website two almost the
same, but different ways to grab the hostname:

Identifying the local host

We identify the local host by looking at the standard environment variables:
<property environment="env"/>
<property name="env.HOSTNAME" value="${env.COMPUTERNAME}"/>
<property name="hostname" value="${env.HOSTNAME}"/>
This extracts the hostname from both the Windows NT and the Unix environment
variables. Apparently, it does not work on Mac OS X; non-Unix platforms are
unknown. We have a <hostname> task in the pipeline that will work across all
platforms, but it came in too late for Ant 1.5.

!-- Capture the computer name in a cross-platform manner -->
<property name="env.COMPUTERNAME" value="${env.HOSTNAME}"/>

The env.COMPUTERNAME property line is an interesting trick to get the host
name of the machine running the build in a cross-platform manner.  Windows
machines use the COMPUTERNAME environment variable while 'nix platforms use
HOSTNAME (except Mac OS X, through version 10.2.3 at least, *arg*).

Which is it? Both work? Neither? 

And that <hostname> task apparently hasn't materialized yet (unless I missed
it on the ant site.)


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