RE: [jug-discussion] Ajax, Laszlo, Flex

2005-05-19 Thread Tim Colson \(tcolson\)
Another couple good Ajax links...

Pretty diagrams here:

Dude here responds to folks who think Ajax sucks...

(BTW - don't get me wrong, I do think ajax and gmail are good stuff...
I'd like to see a lot more of that applied to the overwhelming majority
of brain dead designed web apps. But I also believe that One Size Does
Not Fit All...and always try to pick the best for the job at hand.)

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RE: [jug-discussion] Ajax, Laszlo, Flex

2005-05-19 Thread Tim Colson \(tcolson\)

> You could do the same admittedly with 
> Lazslo or Flex, but you're going to be outputting XML from 
> them anyways  (in most cases).

The backend can be any framework, but the paradigm is so different as to
make the backend controllers not always 100% applicable. 

XML is probably the least efficient, at least for Flex where connections
using Macromedia's proprietary wire protocol for essentially making
remote procedure calls are faster and (sometimes) easier.

RE: comparing the three... some comparisons/contrasts could be explored
without writing code. 

For example -- since both Flex and Lazlos run in the "FlashVM", they
gain the ability to work in any browser, on any platform, with identical
functionality. They both gain a bucket of re-usable widgets. 

Ajax does not seem, to me, like the actual 3rd category -- technically,
AJAX describes a communication via XML over an inline HTTP call via

In the more colloquial sense -- Ajax is starting to mean "like GMAIL"
-- a partially dynamic webapp. 
(Please, no flames for the word "partially" -- just distinguishing it
from a fully dynamic desktop app from a DHTML+Javascript+XMLrequest

So the comparison between the three becomes "how does the user
experience compare?" and "how does the developer experience compare?"

Since the group can apparently discuss which local bookstores suck less
than others for a good bit -- I'm certain we could discuss both of the
above for months. 

Here -- I'll lob one opinion into the fray, "Gmail is a HUGE step
forward! But, well, HTML/DTHML was three GIANT steps backward from a
typical GUI client app... so you do the accounting." ;-)

P.S. Oh how I miss the "Computer Literacy" bookstore in San Jose which
had 99% technical numbers too high for even William to count,
and even included copies of books that weren't published yet (big fat
stack of 8x11 paper comps of what was coming soon). ;-)

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Re: [jug-discussion] Ajax, Laszlo, Flex

2005-05-19 Thread Warner Onstine
On May 19, 2005, at 6:04 AM, Steven Elliott wrote:
On 5/18/05 07:24, "Warner Onstine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
And I agree on the Ajax stuff, but since that can be done with any
framework I'm not sure how easy/difficult it would be as a comparison.
My understanding Laszlo and Flex are View Frameworks.  You might even
classify them with a new moniker as thin client frameworks since they
provide on the client a stateful execution platform with certain 
resources (i.e. Flash VM).
In both cases the client side application is created from server side 
compiliation (>SWF file format) which is then transported and exectued 
the client (Flash VM).
Once the application is launched on the client (Flash), client-server
communication is accomplished with any one of the Macromedia 
XMLConnector, AMF, RTMP (alá Macromedia).
AJAX (i.e. dwr and sarissa) provide a very similar view framework and
client-server communication albeit at this stage in a far less defined,
loosely bundled API.  The main difference is that AJAX uses Javascript 
its execution environment and server-client communication is provided 

IMHO you would not use AJAX with either Laszlo or Flex Framworks but 
of either.
Correct, but you could use Ajax with any other Web Framework (Tapestry, 
Struts, Ruby on Rails, etc.). You could do the same admittedly with 
Lazslo or Flex, but you're going to be outputting XML from them anyways 
(in most cases).

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