RE: [jug-discussion] storing blobs on file system or in db

2005-03-29 Thread Richard Hightower
I like to add this caveat. We arrived at this solution, because somebody was
storing images in the db in the original design, and this was a major
bottleneck. This was a workaround so we did not have to change as much code
yet get the performance we wanted. The workaround had some nice advantages
mentioned below, but it was arrived at not chosen per se. I am not sure if
starting from scratch we would have stored any files in the DB. Thus, below
was not a suggestion, it was an idea.

-Original Message-
From: Richard Hightower [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2005 9:39 AM
To: ''
Subject: RE: [jug-discussion] storing blobs on file system or in db

We did both. We stored the file in the DB. Then when the file is retrieved
from the db, we write the file to the filesystem. The app would check for
the file on the file system first if not found it gets it from the db and
then writes it to the file system for next time. This has the advantage of
working in a clustered env., and having all data reside in the DB for
reasons already mentioned in this thread. This takes the load of the db
(depending on the use cases of how often the documents get used). Also, this
allowed the files to be served directly by Apache with a little Perl magic,
but I digress. The first version worked well and did not use the Perl magic.
The perl magic improved performance even more by taking the load off of our
app server, and allowing Perl to hanlde delivering files, but again I

Just random thoughts

-Original Message-
From: Drew Davidson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2005 4:46 PM
Subject: Re: [jug-discussion] storing blobs on file system or in db

Andrew Huntwork wrote:

> I'm writing this web app that allows users to upload documents, such 
> as word docs, images, etc, and then to download those documents again 
> on request.  the documents are not searched, interpretted, processed, 
> version controlled, or anything else.  just upload and download.  i 
> wonder if there's a general rule on whether one should stick such 
> things into a db or onto the file system.
> i currently favor sticking them in the db.  putting them on the fs 
> seems to interfere with clustering (different files would be on 
> different filesystems).  it's also another thing to back up and 
> generally maintain.  on the other hand putting them in the db puts 
> extra load on the db and the network.  there are a bunch of other 
> issues too.
> Any ideas?  Thanks for any help.

I'm all in favor of storing large documents, images, etc. in the filesystem
and storing metadata in the db.  I've implemented web-based systems using
both purely db and combination of db and filesystem for storing data.  I've
found that the db route is, as you say, easier to administer in terms of
backing up and access across multiple instances of applications and easier
to configure to get to the data.  But the performance penalty can be severe,
especially in a heavily loaded application.  I've done performance analysis
on the db-based application and during peak loads up to 40% of the runtime
of my application is spent on serving up the BLOBs as images (I store image
data in the DB and access it through a special servlet that reads the BLOB
from the database along with the image metadata like length and MIME type).
This is just silly tying up a servlet engine to do stuff that Apache does
more efficiently.

My setup now is more complicated, but much more performant.  By complicated
I mean that I have a Spring-configured "manager" for db-external assets.
This coordinates the usage of the filesystem with the db.  Also backing up
now has to include the virtual root of the filesystem where external
resources are configured (the Spring-configured manager has a property that
is set to this virtual root).  The other complication is the setup of the
Apache server to point to the resource directory.  This is not so bad
because I had another servlet serving this content anyway, it has now just
moved to Apache instead of using the servlet.  I'm not just uploading
documents and serving them, however, so my setup is probably more
complicated that yours would be.  My application has uploaded images that
are thumbnailed on-demand to verious sizes.

Just my opinion, FWIW.

- Drew

< Drew Davidson | OGNL Technology >
|  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /
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RE: [jug-discussion] storing blobs on file system or in db

2005-03-29 Thread Richard Hightower
We started using a shared file system so we could easily invalidate the file
cache, but this came later. 

-Original Message-
From: Randolph Kahle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2005 3:28 PM
Subject: Re: [jug-discussion] storing blobs on file system or in db

Interesting question.

You could consider a shared file system.

I hesitate recommending that documents be stored in a database. You don't
need the transactional capabilities (correct?), and a RDMBS is not really a
great "blob" storage device (yes, they can do it, but I don't reach for an
RDBMS to store things like this unless I really need to).


On Mar 16, 2005, at 3:21 PM, Andrew Huntwork wrote:

> I'm writing this web app that allows users to upload documents, such 
> as word docs, images, etc, and then to download those documents again 
> on request.  the documents are not searched, interpretted, processed, 
> version controlled, or anything else.  just upload and download.  i 
> wonder if there's a general rule on whether one should stick such 
> things into a db or onto the file system.
> i currently favor sticking them in the db.  putting them on the fs 
> seems to interfere with clustering (different files would be on 
> different filesystems).  it's also another thing to back up and 
> generally maintain.  on the other hand putting them in the db puts 
> extra load on the db and the network.  there are a bunch of other 
> issues too.
> Any ideas?  Thanks for any help.
> -
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RE: [jug-discussion] storing blobs on file system or in db

2005-03-29 Thread Richard Hightower
We did both. We stored the file in the DB. Then when the file is retrieved
from the db, we write the file to the filesystem. The app would check for
the file on the file system first if not found it gets it from the db and
then writes it to the file system for next time. This has the advantage of
working in a clustered env., and having all data reside in the DB for
reasons already mentioned in this thread. This takes the load of the db
(depending on the use cases of how often the documents get used). Also, this
allowed the files to be served directly by Apache with a little Perl magic,
but I digress. The first version worked well and did not use the Perl magic.
The perl magic improved performance even more by taking the load off of our
app server, and allowing Perl to hanlde delivering files, but again I

Just random thoughts

-Original Message-
From: Drew Davidson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2005 4:46 PM
Subject: Re: [jug-discussion] storing blobs on file system or in db

Andrew Huntwork wrote:

> I'm writing this web app that allows users to upload documents, such 
> as word docs, images, etc, and then to download those documents again 
> on request.  the documents are not searched, interpretted, processed, 
> version controlled, or anything else.  just upload and download.  i 
> wonder if there's a general rule on whether one should stick such 
> things into a db or onto the file system.
> i currently favor sticking them in the db.  putting them on the fs 
> seems to interfere with clustering (different files would be on 
> different filesystems).  it's also another thing to back up and 
> generally maintain.  on the other hand putting them in the db puts 
> extra load on the db and the network.  there are a bunch of other 
> issues too.
> Any ideas?  Thanks for any help.

I'm all in favor of storing large documents, images, etc. in the filesystem
and storing metadata in the db.  I've implemented web-based systems using
both purely db and combination of db and filesystem for storing data.  I've
found that the db route is, as you say, easier to administer in terms of
backing up and access across multiple instances of applications and easier
to configure to get to the data.  But the performance penalty can be severe,
especially in a heavily loaded application.  I've done performance analysis
on the db-based application and during peak loads up to 40% of the runtime
of my application is spent on serving up the BLOBs as images (I store image
data in the DB and access it through a special servlet that reads the BLOB
from the database along with the image metadata like length and MIME type).
This is just silly tying up a servlet engine to do stuff that Apache does
more efficiently.

My setup now is more complicated, but much more performant.  By complicated
I mean that I have a Spring-configured "manager" for db-external assets.
This coordinates the usage of the filesystem with the db.  Also backing up
now has to include the virtual root of the filesystem where external
resources are configured (the Spring-configured manager has a property that
is set to this virtual root).  The other complication is the setup of the
Apache server to point to the resource directory.  This is not so bad
because I had another servlet serving this content anyway, it has now just
moved to Apache instead of using the servlet.  I'm not just uploading
documents and serving them, however, so my setup is probably more
complicated that yours would be.  My application has uploaded images that
are thumbnailed on-demand to verious sizes.

Just my opinion, FWIW.

- Drew

< Drew Davidson | OGNL Technology >
|  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /
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Re: [jug-discussion] storing blobs on file system or in db

2005-03-16 Thread Jeffrey Peacock

Taking into account all the responses I've seen so far (down to J. D.
Mitchell) there is
relatively little consideration being given to the transactional issues.

I suggest that before you settle on a solution where performance is the
you need to examine the  issue of "What is the correct behavior?" where
behavior" in this case (i.e., where DB's are concerned) is to avoid
And of course it's corollary, which is "What is the cost of incorrect

Putting BLOB assets into the same DB as the data to which it is
associated gives you
the simplest implementation of "correct behavior".   From past
experience with Oracle
I know that good performance with BLOB assets can be achieved.  I can't
specifically to other DB's, but historically, the performance problems
started with
not having enough control over how table spaces were allocated and
managed as well
as the general failure of the vendor to do a good BLOB support feature.

I think it is a given that BLOB assets are always associated with other
data elements.
Putting BLOB assets onto the file system is really the splitting of the
data into two DB's
-- BLOBS on the file-system and other, conventional records, in the
primary DB.
Immediately this presents transactional problems.  Without getting into
every specific
case let me generalize some of the issues:
Each file upload to the file-system has to be in the same
transactional scope as the
associated transaction with the primary DB.  Upload failures (successes
are easy)
in all forms -- dropped connection, system failure, etc. --- need to be
managed in a
manner which includes rollback and cleanup on the file-system as well
as rollback
of the transaction with the primary DB.
Furthermore, operations on the primary DB, like backups, need to be in
lock-step with
operations with the file-system DB.  One un-informed sysadmin that does
a DB backup
without a lock-step backup of the file-system assets, and then there is
a subsequent disk
failure, will ruin your whole day (probably month, prepare to give up
you life for
some time.)
Then, as already mentioned, the burden of clustering (and replication)
falls to you to
implement.  One solution than has been presented is a clustered
file-system or network
file-system.  The issue here is that any file-system that is not on the
local disk puts BLOB
assets back into play being slung around the networkwith all the same
problems you were trying to get away from in the first place.

Having said all that, if I had my druthers, I would put BLOB assets
into the primary DB.
This solves all my correctness issues and easily keeps me in the game
with respect to
DB clustering, replication and backups.  I would deal with the
performance issues by

  ensuring that I am designing/configuring my DB BLOB support as
as possible.  (I suggest that the reputation of BLOB support in DB's
suffers from
early problems and many people have not gone back to do the due
diligence to
see if the reputation is still warranted.)

  implement caching on the Apache/Tomcat server side to allow
Apache to do it's thing.
Caching to the local disk, even with the event mechanism to handle an
update to the DB that
was initiated on a different system, is easier to implement and prove
than maintaining
correctness in the same configuration.  Incorrect caching means you may
serve an
old document.  You can solve this in seconds by flushing the cache and
still be out the
door in time for Happy Hour.  An inconsistent DB means you don't even
have the correct
document to begin with.  Solving this, at the point at which you
discover it, will be
extremely difficult (that's the best case) if not impossible.

One final solution I would consider is to see if my DB would allow me
to "slice" my data.
This could take a couple of different forms but the gist of it would be
that the BLOB
table spaces would be on the local disk/system with Apache/Tomcat and
the other
"conventional" data on the DB server.  Perhaps the local disk is holding
only the replication of the BLOB data?  This particular analysis may
not bear great
fruit but it would be worth not leaving that stone unturned.

Just an opinion.


Andrew Huntwork wrote:
writing this web app that allows users to upload documents, such as
word docs, images, etc, and then to download those documents again on
request.  the documents are not searched, interpretted, processed,
version controlled, or anything else.  just upload and download.  i
wonder if there's a general rule on whether one should stick such
things into a db or onto the file system.
i currently favor sticking them in the db.  putting them on the fs
seems to interfere with clustering (different files would be on
different filesystems).  it's also another thing to back up and
generally maintain.  on the other hand putting them in the db puts
extra load on the db and the network.  there are a bunch of other
issues too.

Re: [jug-discussion] storing blobs on file system or in db

2005-03-16 Thread Bryan . ONeal
I have, but then again I was using a @!#$!$ MS DBS at the time ;)

On Wed, 16 Mar 2005, Andrew Huntwork wrote:

> it looks like the clear consensus is file system.  that's what 2 of my 
> co-workers said before i asked here, but now i actually basically 
> believe them.
> I still have my doubts though...if someone has done this the db way and 
> actually seen real scalability problems, i'd love to hear about it.
> Thanks for the responses.
> Andrew Huntwork wrote:
> > I'm writing this web app that allows users to upload documents, such as 
> > word docs, images, etc, and then to download those documents again on 
> > request.  the documents are not searched, interpretted, processed, 
> > version controlled, or anything else.  just upload and download.  i 
> > wonder if there's a general rule on whether one should stick such things 
> > into a db or onto the file system.
> > 
> > i currently favor sticking them in the db.  putting them on the fs seems 
> > to interfere with clustering (different files would be on different 
> > filesystems).  it's also another thing to back up and generally 
> > maintain.  on the other hand putting them in the db puts extra load on 
> > the db and the network.  there are a bunch of other issues too.
> > 
> > Any ideas?  Thanks for any help.
> > 
> > -
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Re: [jug-discussion] storing blobs on file system or in db

2005-03-16 Thread Drew Davidson
Andrew Huntwork wrote:
I'm writing this web app that allows users to upload documents, such 
as word docs, images, etc, and then to download those documents again 
on request.  the documents are not searched, interpretted, processed, 
version controlled, or anything else.  just upload and download.  i 
wonder if there's a general rule on whether one should stick such 
things into a db or onto the file system.

i currently favor sticking them in the db.  putting them on the fs 
seems to interfere with clustering (different files would be on 
different filesystems).  it's also another thing to back up and 
generally maintain.  on the other hand putting them in the db puts 
extra load on the db and the network.  there are a bunch of other 
issues too.

Any ideas?  Thanks for any help.

I'm all in favor of storing large documents, images, etc. in the 
filesystem and storing metadata in the db.  I've implemented web-based 
systems using both purely db and combination of db and filesystem for 
storing data.  I've found that the db route is, as you say, easier to 
administer in terms of backing up and access across multiple instances 
of applications and easier to configure to get to the data.  But the 
performance penalty can be severe, especially in a heavily loaded 
application.  I've done performance analysis on the db-based application 
and during peak loads up to 40% of the runtime of my application is 
spent on serving up the BLOBs as images (I store image data in the DB 
and access it through a special servlet that reads the BLOB from the 
database along with the image metadata like length and MIME type).  This 
is just silly tying up a servlet engine to do stuff that Apache does 
more efficiently.

My setup now is more complicated, but much more performant.  By 
complicated I mean that I have a Spring-configured "manager" for 
db-external assets.  This coordinates the usage of the filesystem with 
the db.  Also backing up now has to include the virtual root of the 
filesystem where external resources are configured (the 
Spring-configured manager has a property that is set to this virtual 
root).  The other complication is the setup of the Apache server to 
point to the resource directory.  This is not so bad because I had 
another servlet serving this content anyway, it has now just moved to 
Apache instead of using the servlet.  I'm not just uploading documents 
and serving them, however, so my setup is probably more complicated that 
yours would be.  My application has uploaded images that are thumbnailed 
on-demand to verious sizes.

Just my opinion, FWIW.
- Drew
< Drew Davidson | OGNL Technology >
|  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /
|Web:   /
|Vox: (520) 531-1966   <
|Fax: (520) 531-1965\
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RE: [jug-discussion] storing blobs on file system or in db

2005-03-16 Thread Landon Clark
I forgot to mention this in my previous post, but I did a lot
benchmarking around this a few years ago and did several consulting gigs
where people needed to rip out the blob in db infrastructure they had
built because it was performing like a dog (a bad dog, not a good dog).


-Original Message-
From: Andrew Huntwork [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2005 4:40 PM
Subject: Re: [jug-discussion] storing blobs on file system or in db

it looks like the clear consensus is file system.  that's what 2 of my 
co-workers said before i asked here, but now i actually basically 
believe them.

I still have my doubts though...if someone has done this the db way and 
actually seen real scalability problems, i'd love to hear about it.

Thanks for the responses.

Andrew Huntwork wrote:
> I'm writing this web app that allows users to upload documents, such
> word docs, images, etc, and then to download those documents again on 
> request.  the documents are not searched, interpretted, processed, 
> version controlled, or anything else.  just upload and download.  i 
> wonder if there's a general rule on whether one should stick such
> into a db or onto the file system.
> i currently favor sticking them in the db.  putting them on the fs
> to interfere with clustering (different files would be on different 
> filesystems).  it's also another thing to back up and generally 
> maintain.  on the other hand putting them in the db puts extra load on

> the db and the network.  there are a bunch of other issues too.
> Any ideas?  Thanks for any help.
> -
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Re: [jug-discussion] storing blobs on file system or in db

2005-03-16 Thread Andrew Huntwork
it looks like the clear consensus is file system.  that's what 2 of my 
co-workers said before i asked here, but now i actually basically 
believe them.

I still have my doubts though...if someone has done this the db way and 
actually seen real scalability problems, i'd love to hear about it.

Thanks for the responses.
Andrew Huntwork wrote:
I'm writing this web app that allows users to upload documents, such as 
word docs, images, etc, and then to download those documents again on 
request.  the documents are not searched, interpretted, processed, 
version controlled, or anything else.  just upload and download.  i 
wonder if there's a general rule on whether one should stick such things 
into a db or onto the file system.

i currently favor sticking them in the db.  putting them on the fs seems 
to interfere with clustering (different files would be on different 
filesystems).  it's also another thing to back up and generally 
maintain.  on the other hand putting them in the db puts extra load on 
the db and the network.  there are a bunch of other issues too.

Any ideas?  Thanks for any help.
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RE: [jug-discussion] storing blobs on file system or in db

2005-03-16 Thread Tim Colson \(tcolson\)
>if there's a general rule on whether one should stick 
> such things into a db or onto the file system.

Where to stick uploads always tends to spark debate from both sides. (I
see there are already a bunch of replies. ;-)

Personally, the debaute leaves me thinking that either [religion] has
it's benefits/problems and there isn't a clear winner. (Unless you've
got some hard and fast environ req't.)

> putting them on 
> the fs seems to interfere with clustering 
Yep. I've seen some systems where the file system area made writeable
for 'uploads' is actually shared across the cluster to avoid that
problem. But then, you still have potential for concurrency issues if
multiple CGI/Servlet/Gerbils try to manipulate the file. I'm no expert,
but Unix Filesystems have let me shoot myself in the foot more times
than I care to recall. ;-)

> putting them in the db puts 
> extra load on the db and the network.  there are a bunch of other
issues too.
Yep and Yep. No clear winner IMHO. 

Another possible DB issue... cache. Say the files are images, webserver
and FS will automagically handle cache, but if served dynamically --
your image server cgi/servlet will have to deal with that, or worse,
just dynamically serve the images over and over again. The client can't
cache either, if the server doesn't play nice and give back HEAD data.
And even if it does play nice, your server will have to run a DB query
to see if the image is updated from the last time the user was there. 

I'm currently thinking about serving some images stored in a DB via FS
by rigging the 404 error handler into a custom server piece that pulls
down images from a DB and stores them in the FS, and then the next
request won't be a 404. Fun hack, eh. 


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Re: [jug-discussion] storing blobs on file system or in db

2005-03-16 Thread Randolph Kahle
Yes, I agree also with metadata in the db. Good point.
On Mar 16, 2005, at 3:28 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I personally prefer to put the file on the FS and place the link (file
location) into the DB.  As for clustering problems, have you looked 
cluster file systems like AFS?

On Wed, 16 Mar 2005, Andrew Huntwork wrote:
I'm writing this web app that allows users to upload documents, such 
word docs, images, etc, and then to download those documents again on
request.  the documents are not searched, interpretted, processed,
version controlled, or anything else.  just upload and download.  i
wonder if there's a general rule on whether one should stick such 
into a db or onto the file system.

i currently favor sticking them in the db.  putting them on the fs 
to interfere with clustering (different files would be on different
filesystems).  it's also another thing to back up and generally
maintain.  on the other hand putting them in the db puts extra load on
the db and the network.  there are a bunch of other issues too.

Any ideas?  Thanks for any help.
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Re: [jug-discussion] storing blobs on file system or in db

2005-03-16 Thread Randolph Kahle
Interesting question.
You could consider a shared file system.
I hesitate recommending that documents be stored in a database. You 
don't need the transactional capabilities (correct?), and a RDMBS is 
not really a great "blob" storage device (yes, they can do it, but I 
don't reach for an RDBMS to store things like this unless I really need 

On Mar 16, 2005, at 3:21 PM, Andrew Huntwork wrote:
I'm writing this web app that allows users to upload documents, such 
as word docs, images, etc, and then to download those documents again 
on request.  the documents are not searched, interpretted, processed, 
version controlled, or anything else.  just upload and download.  i 
wonder if there's a general rule on whether one should stick such 
things into a db or onto the file system.

i currently favor sticking them in the db.  putting them on the fs 
seems to interfere with clustering (different files would be on 
different filesystems).  it's also another thing to back up and 
generally maintain.  on the other hand putting them in the db puts 
extra load on the db and the network.  there are a bunch of other 
issues too.

Any ideas?  Thanks for any help.
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Re: [jug-discussion] storing blobs on file system or in db

2005-03-16 Thread Andrew Huntwork
btw, the application uses a database for a lot of other things anyway, 
and i'll definitely be storing at least metadata for the documents in 
the db.

Andrew Huntwork wrote:
I'm writing this web app that allows users to upload documents, such as 
word docs, images, etc, and then to download those documents again on 
request.  the documents are not searched, interpretted, processed, 
version controlled, or anything else.  just upload and download.  i 
wonder if there's a general rule on whether one should stick such things 
into a db or onto the file system.
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Re: [jug-discussion] storing blobs on file system or in db

2005-03-16 Thread Bryan . ONeal
I personally prefer to put the file on the FS and place the link (file
location) into the DB.  As for clustering problems, have you looked into
cluster file systems like AFS?

On Wed, 16 Mar 2005, Andrew Huntwork wrote:

> I'm writing this web app that allows users to upload documents, such as 
> word docs, images, etc, and then to download those documents again on 
> request.  the documents are not searched, interpretted, processed, 
> version controlled, or anything else.  just upload and download.  i 
> wonder if there's a general rule on whether one should stick such things 
> into a db or onto the file system.
> i currently favor sticking them in the db.  putting them on the fs seems 
> to interfere with clustering (different files would be on different 
> filesystems).  it's also another thing to back up and generally 
> maintain.  on the other hand putting them in the db puts extra load on 
> the db and the network.  there are a bunch of other issues too.
> Any ideas?  Thanks for any help.
> -
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RE: [jug-discussion] storing blobs on file system or in db

2005-03-16 Thread Landon Clark
The answer is partially dependent on your db, but if you want a rule of
thumb, then I suggest the fs.  Some dbs really don't perform well when
moving blobs in and out of the DB.  

Also, you need to fine tune your db and where you place the tables that
will hold the blob to minimize IO interference when pulling BLOBs and
non-blobs. Think about this way, if your DB needs to read a 10meg file
at the same time as it needs to read 100 1KB rows for other requests,
you are going to affect throughput if both sets of data live on the same

I would be interested to hear what others say.

-Original Message-
From: Andrew Huntwork [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2005 3:21 PM
Subject: [jug-discussion] storing blobs on file system or in db

I'm writing this web app that allows users to upload documents, such as
word docs, images, etc, and then to download those documents again on
request.  the documents are not searched, interpretted, processed,
version controlled, or anything else.  just upload and download.  i
wonder if there's a general rule on whether one should stick such things
into a db or onto the file system.

i currently favor sticking them in the db.  putting them on the fs seems
to interfere with clustering (different files would be on different
filesystems).  it's also another thing to back up and generally
maintain.  on the other hand putting them in the db puts extra load on
the db and the network.  there are a bunch of other issues too.

Any ideas?  Thanks for any help.

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