Hi everyone,

As part of the review process for the backup charm this came up:

Policy states:

"Should not use anything infrastructure-provider specific (i.e.
querying EC2 metadata service)"

Note that this is a should, not a must, in the same way that charms
should use apparmor, but we don't nack things when they don't. We had
a quick discussion on IRC and this is what I am proposin, clarify
policy on cloud specific charms by stating:

- Charms that use cloud specific features should have these as options
whenever possible
- Charms that exist soley to provide cloud specific features should be
obvious, like "aws-rds-database" or something; a generic service name
like say "haproxy" should work on all clouds.

Charms should strive to be cloud-agnostic, but do we want to strictly
stop people from making optimized charms for their specific providers?
The charm store will make it obvious to users on what clouds the charm
runs on anyway.

Jorge Castro
Canonical Ltd.
http://juju.ubuntu.com/ - Automate your Cloud Infrastructure

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