Hello everyone, a bunch of us have been on the road hitting up
devopsdays, Berlin Buzzwords, and other conferences, so we'd thought
we'd take a quick timeout to have an office hours to share what we've
been learning and doing over the past month:

Juju Office Hours is a freeflow meeting where we discuss what's
happening in and around the ecosystem, what hot new changes are
landing in charms and Juju itself, and our favorite part, you can join
in and ask the team questions about anything Juju related.

Date: July 15th, 2016
Time: 2100 (9pm) UTC, 1600 (4pm) EDT, 1300 (1pm) PDT
Where: http://ubuntuonair.com for the stream
Participate: #juju on freenode

We will cover as many topics as we can in an hour, and take questions
from the crowd. If you want to participate in the hangout itself ping
me ahead of time and we'd love to have you onboard.

Jorge Castro
Canonical Ltd.
http://jujucharms.com/ - The fastest way to model your service

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