Re: [julia-users] getindex for a real number

2015-12-02 Thread Glen O
On Wednesday, 2 December 2015 11:38:50 UTC+10, Tim Holy wrote: > > Conversely, there are many people who seem to want Julia to treat scalars > and > 1-vectors indistinguishably (ala Matlab). > Sure, but it should be one way or the other, not half way between. In Matlab, scalars are literally

[julia-users] Re: Concatenation without splatting

2015-11-27 Thread Glen O
Any chance that foldl(vcat,arr_of_arr) will do the job? On Sunday, 22 November 2015 23:04:26 UTC+10, Cedric St-Jean wrote: > > I have a big vector of vectors. Is there any way to vcat/hcat them without > splatting? > > arr_of_arr = Vector[[1],[2,3],[4,5]] > vcat(arr_of_arr...) > > I'm asking

Re: [julia-users] Re: Better alternative to find all permutations?

2015-11-23 Thread Glen O
ermutations renamed to something more intuitive, like > > uniqueperms, or unique_permutations. > > > > On Sun, Nov 22, 2015 at 2:16 AM Glen O < > > wrote: > > > >> While it is true that an interpretation of arrays is multisets, that'

Re: [julia-users] Re: Better alternative to find all permutations?

2015-11-23 Thread Glen O
is good. For > that reason, I would be in favor of permutations remaining as is but having > multiset_permutations renamed to something more intuitive, like > uniqueperms, or unique_permutations. > > On Sun, Nov 22, 2015 at 2:16 AM Glen O < > > wrote: &g

Re: [julia-users] Re: Better alternative to find all permutations?

2015-11-21 Thread Glen O
While it is true that an interpretation of arrays is multisets, that's not the only reasonable interpretation. And while the strict interpretation of "permutations" suggests it should include duplicates, you have to consider what the user would most likely expect it to do. Most would think that

[julia-users] Re: Array comprehension cannot detect type?

2015-11-09 Thread Glen O
As far as I'm aware, there are two nice ways to tell the comprehension the type that is going to be returned. Option 1: Tell it the type of the comprehension: K = Float64[dot(X[:,i], X[:,j]) for i=1:5, j=1:5] Option 2: Assert the type of the return of "dot" K = [dot(X[:,i],X[:,j])::Float64

Re: [julia-users] Array comprehension cannot detect type?

2015-11-09 Thread Glen O
Does the assertion form work any better? K=[dot(X[:,i],X[:,j])::Float64 for i=1:5, j=1:5] On Tuesday, 10 November 2015 02:51:35 UTC+10, rizal zaini wrote: > > When I put that code inside a function, I got the same behavior. > > For single process, K = Float64[dot(X[:,i], X[:,j]) for i=1:5,

Re: [julia-users] Re: Order of multiple for-loops

2015-10-31 Thread Glen O
That's the long, complicated way to do it, in my opinion. An easier approach in the long run would be to simply define a new Array type (RMArray (for Row Major Array), perhaps), and overload the getindex and setindex functions for them, etc. Indeed, perhaps someone could make a package that

[julia-users] Re: Automatic conversion from 1x1 matrix/array/vector to a real/float num.

2015-10-31 Thread Glen O
There are a few neat ways to make it work nicely. One is to access the value. That is, v[2,1]=x[] Another is to assign as a matrix: v[2:2,1]=x Automatic conversion between single-value arrays and numbers could be problematic, if care isn't taken. For example, what happens if v is an Array of

Re: [julia-users] Re: For loop = or in?

2015-10-29 Thread Glen O
But that's true of just about every instance where there are multiple ways of doing things. vcat vs [;], for instance. In some cases, there are distinct reasons; in others, there's no functional difference, and it only exists for the purposes of making it easier to read, for instance. Like

Re: [julia-users] Re: For loop = or in?

2015-10-28 Thread Glen O
The thing is, it IS an assignment that's going on. In the case of a range, especially, "for i=1:5" says "loop 5 times, with i=1, then i=2, then i=3, then i=4, then i=5". "i' is being assigned to on each iteration. Think of it this way - suppose you were using elementwise operations. You could

Re: [julia-users] Re: For loop = or in?

2015-10-27 Thread Glen O
An alternative way to read it is "for x equals 1 through 5". It definitely makes sense for a range. And I don't think anyone has any difficulty intuitively understanding a for loop using =, even if "in" reads slightly better. Incidentally, it's not just Matlab that does it. Most variants of

Re: [julia-users] Re: For loop = or in?

2015-10-27 Thread Glen O
"When calculating a Fibonacci number, we have to apply F_n=F_(n-1)+F_(n-2) repeatedly. So to find F_6, we apply the equation for n equals 3 through 6". Writing it as "for n in 3 through 6" or "for n in the range 3 through 6" wouldn't make nearly as much sense. As I said, for general iterables,

[julia-users] Re: Altering matrix inside function

2015-10-22 Thread Glen O
The reason why it's not working is that you're re-assigning x, rather than editing it. By running "x=x[]", you're creating a copy of x with the appropriate column removed, and then assigning x to point to the copy, rather than to the original array. If you wanted to edit an array's values,

[julia-users] Re: map() vs broadcast()

2015-10-22 Thread Glen O
I'm uncertain, but I think I may have figured out what's going on. The hint lies in the number of allocations - map! has 20 million allocations, while broadcast! has just 5. So I had a look at how the two functions are implemented. map! is implemented in perhaps the simplest way you can think

[julia-users] Re: speed increase of factor 70 for mixed scalar-vector vcat

2015-10-20 Thread Glen O
Seems to be something wrong with the dispatch system with Union... julia> dispatchtest{T}(x::Union{Array{T,1},T}) = "success" dispatchtest (generic function with 3 methods) julia> dispatchtest([1,2]) ERROR: MethodError: `dispatchtest` has no method matching dispatchtest(::Array{Int64,1}) On

[julia-users] Re: speed increase of factor 70 for mixed scalar-vector vcat

2015-10-20 Thread Glen O
Also note that it's specific to parameterised types. julia> dispatchtest2(x::Union{Array{Int64,1},Int64}) = "success" dispatchtest2 (generic function with 2 methods) julia> dispatchtest2([1,2]) "success" On Wednesday, 21 October 2015 00:09:42 UTC+10, Glen O wrote:

[julia-users] Re: speed increase of factor 70 for mixed scalar-vector vcat

2015-10-20 Thread Glen O
On Wednesday, 21 October 2015 00:15:41 UTC+10, Matt Bauman wrote: > > On Tuesday, October 20, 2015 at 10:09:42 AM UTC-4, Glen O wrote: >> >> Seems to be something wrong with the dispatch system with Union... >> > > Yes, Unions with TypeVars can behave strangely when t

[julia-users] Issue with profiler?

2015-10-13 Thread Glen O
I figured I'd post this here before going to github, in case it's a fault on my end rather than with Julia itself. I'm trying to use the profiler, and for the most part it seems to work... somewhat. However, if I try to profile something that takes more than 5-6 seconds, I sometimes get an

Re: [julia-users] Is there a way to replace f(object, args...) with object.f(args...)?

2015-10-08 Thread Glen O
This would all be so much easier if we had custom infix operations beyond the unicode ones. Just a thought, but what if |> were tweaked to have a ternary form |> (), so that a|>f(b) automatically gets interpreted as f(a,b)? If you had a function that outputs a function (say, f(j)=i->i^2+j^2),

[julia-users] Re: Is there a way to replace f(object, args...) with object.f(args...)?

2015-10-07 Thread Glen O
Perhaps you could include the function amongst the elements of the type? immutable MyArray array::Array fill::Function MyArray(array)=new(array,i->fill!(array,i)) end B=MyArray(zeros(5,2)); B.array 5x2 Array{Float64,2}: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 B.fill(1);

[julia-users] Re: Variable number of parameters types in a function

2015-10-05 Thread Glen O
Just to be clear, are you looking for something that will parameterise across a variety of types, or are you wanting to restrict to a single type? If the latter, it can be easily done with function mycode{T}(x::T...) end which will make all values in the varargs list the same. To restrict

[julia-users] Re: Variable number of parameters types in a function

2015-10-05 Thread Glen O
ts the correct values. So how do I access the types in Tuple{} > since T[i] will give errors? > > On Monday, October 5, 2015 at 11:31:06 AM UTC+1, Glen O wrote: >> >> I'll admit, I didn't entirely follow what you're trying to do, but based >> on what I was able to see, i

[julia-users] Re: Variable number of parameters types in a function

2015-10-05 Thread Glen O
lift the functions > for i in funs > eval(lift(i, :T1)) > end > > Could then do T1(3.4) + 9 and so on for all the functions regardless of > number of arguments return type etc > > DP > > > > > > On Monday, October 5, 2015 at 7:20:55 AM UTC+1, Glen O wrote: &g

[julia-users] Re: Julia list-of-lists elementwise equality vs array broadcasting

2015-10-05 Thread Glen O
B = (L .== L[1:1]) On Monday, 5 October 2015 22:34:35 UTC+10, Maxim Berman wrote: > > Hello, > > I tried to use element-wise equality on list-of-lists in julia: > > L = Vector{Int}[[1,2],[2,3]] > B = (L .== L[1]) > > However, due to .== broadcasting, this last expression performs an >

[julia-users] Re: Find linearly independent subset within a set of vectors without constructing a matrix

2015-10-05 Thread Glen O
I'm assuming that v is an array of vectors. Does this do any better? N=zeros(length(v[1]),max(length(v[1]),length(v))) # Because there can't be more than this many columns i=0 for w=v if any(w.!=0)&!=N[:,1:i]*(N[:,1:i]\w) i+=1 N[:,i]=j end end N=N[:,1:i] Note: may have minor

[julia-users] Re: Julia 0.4 RC ppa?

2015-09-20 Thread Glen O
Is there a reason why the juliareleases ppa couldn't provide a julia0.4 package, separately from the currently julia package? I've seen similar things done with packages elsewhere, including within the main ubuntu repositories. Indeed, given the changes happening to the language, perhaps it's