It is also similar to (metric) multi-dimensional scaling (MDS):
the problem of finding coordinates that best explain a distance matrix
(it is often a full matrix, but most of the algorithms should also work 
with a partial one).
Your approximate coordinates would be used as an initial guess for the 

On Friday, 23 October 2015 11:10:35 UTC+8, wrote:
> The problem of recovering (x,y,z) coordinates given partial pairwise 
> distance information is a famous problem in the optimization community and 
> has attracted the attention of many top people.  It is sometimes called the 
> 'Euclidean distance matrix completion' problem by mathematicians and the 
> 'sensor localization' problem by engineers.  If you search in google 
> scholar on either of these terms, you'll find many papers.  Jon Dattorio 
> wrote an entire book on the problem.
> -- Steve Vavasis
> On Tuesday, October 20, 2015 at 11:12:44 PM UTC-4, Spencer Russell wrote:
>> I have a bunch of points in 3D whose positions I know approximately, with 
>> low-noise distance measurements between them (not necessarily fully 
>> connected). I want to improve my estimate of their 3D coordinates. This 
>> smells like an optimization problem so I’m thinking of using it as an 
>> excuse to learn JuMP. The model variables (coordinates) and objective 
>> function seem pretty straightforward (probably sum of squared distance 
>> errors for the objective?) but I don’t know enough about the various 
>> solvers to know which one to use. I know a tiny bit about optimization 
>> (I’ve implemented simplex, L-M, and conjugate GD for a class) but get 
>> quickly outside my depth when it gets theoretical. 
>> Without any known positions the system is underconstrained because the 
>> whole collection could can translate, rotate, and reflect, but if I set 3 
>> non-colinear points at known positions it should be solvable. I can also 
>> supply pretty good guesses for initial values on locations, at least close 
>> enough that the closest minima is the one I want (I think). 
>> so in short my questions boil down to: 
>> 1. What solver is appropriate for this sort of problem? (or should I just 
>> go with a spring-force algorithm like in GraphLayout.jl?) 
>> 2. (JuMP Specific) - Should I specify my known positions as model 
>> variables with equality constraints, or just normal julia variables that 
>> show up in my objective function? 
>> Thanks! 
>> -s

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