
ForwardDiff.jl <https://github.com/JuliaDiff/ForwardDiff.jl>, a Julia 
package for performing automatic differentiation, has just been updated and 
is now much less buggy, much more performant, and much more comprehensively 

An additional goal of the update was to provide a more friendly API, so 
hopefully the package is now easier to use for newcomers (documentation can 
be found in the master branch's README).

*To use the updated version of the package, check out it's most recent 
commit on the master branch*. The update is not yet tagged for release, as 
we want to give people a chance to work with the new API some before 
tagging a new version. Feel free to provide feedback in the form of an 
issue or pull request to the repository!

Note that this update only supports Julia v0.4.


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