I have a strange problem using ± and ∓ Unicode symbols as variables when 
placed at the front of equation. Although they seem not to be defined in 
Main, they behave differently from e.g. α (but e.g. 2*± does work). See 
below. Any suggestions?

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   _ _   _| |_  __ _   |  Type "?help" for help.
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julia> α=-1.0

julia> α*2

help?> ±

Couldn't find ±
Perhaps you meant *, α, !, $, %, &, +, -, /, :, <, >, I, \, ^, e, |, ~, ×, 
÷, γ or π
ERROR: "±" is not defined in module Main
 in error at error.jl:21
 in which_module at ./reflection.jl:315
 in call at ./docs/bindings.jl:8

julia> ±=-1.0

julia> ±*2
ERROR: syntax: "±" is not a unary operator

julia> ∓=-1.0

julia> ∓*2
ERROR: syntax: "∓" is not a unary operator

julia> 2*±

julia> 2*∓

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