
I'm hammering at a web app and I'm trying to setup functionality to monitor 
the file system for changes and restart/reload the server automatically so 
the changes are picked up (I'm using Mux which uses HttpServer). 

The approach I have in mind is: 

1. have a startup script which is run from the command line, something 
$ julia -L startup.jl

2. the startup script launches the web app, which starts the web server. My 
intention was to run 
$ julia -L app.jl 
as a command inside startup.jl, detached, and have the startup.jl script 
get back control, with app.jl running detached in the background. 

3. once startup.jl gets back control, it begins monitoring the file system 
and when changes are detected, kills the app and relaunches it. 

That was the theory. Now, I might be missing something but I can't find a 
way to detach the command I'm running and get control back to the startup 
script. And I tried a lot of things! 


I'm providing simpler example using "ping", which also run indefinitely, 
similar to the web server. 

julia> run(detach(`ping "www.google.com"`)) # the command is detached and 
continues to run after the julia REPL is closed, but at this point the REPL 
does not get control, there's no cursor available in the REPL
PING www.google.com ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=54 time=30.138 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=54 time=30.417 ms
... more output ...
64 bytes from icmp_seq=7 ttl=54 time=30.486 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=8 ttl=54 time=30.173 ms
^CERROR: InterruptException:                                               
                  <---- here I press Ctrl+C and only now the REPL gets back 
the cursor, with the command still running in the background


Also, related to this, passing "&" into the command to detach does not work 
as expected, the "&" is interpreted as argument of the command. Not sure if 
this would help anyway to return control to the startup.jl script? 

julia> run(detach(`ping "www.google.com" &`));
usage: ping [-AaDdfnoQqRrv] [-b boundif] [-c count] [-G sweepmaxsize]
            [-g sweepminsize] [-h sweepincrsize] [-i wait] [−k trafficclass]
            [-l preload] [-M mask | time] [-m ttl] [-p pattern]
            [-S src_addr] [-s packetsize] [-t timeout][-W waittime] [-z tos]
       ping [-AaDdfLnoQqRrv] [-b boundif] [-c count] [-I iface] [-i wait]
            [−k trafficclass] [-l preload] [-M mask | time] [-m ttl] [-p 
pattern] [-S src_addr]
            [-s packetsize] [-T ttl] [-t timeout] [-W waittime]
            [-z tos] mcast-group
ERROR: failed process: Process(`ping www.google.com &`, ProcessExited(64)) 
 in run at /usr/local/Cellar/julia/0.4.2/lib/julia/sys.dylib



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