Hi all,
          In his JuliaCon 2016 talk 
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDwUL3aRSRc> on Juno's new graphical 
debugging capabilities, Mike Innes also showed off a workspace pane in Juno 
that displays currently defined variable values from an interactive Julia 
session. My impression from the video is that this feature should be 
available in the latest version of Juno but I can't get it to show up. As 
far as I can tell, the feature is not included in my version of Juno. Am I 
missing something or has this functionality not been released yet? I'm on 
linux, running 

Julia 0.5.0-rc4+0
atom 1.9.9
master branches of Atom.jl,CodeTools.jl,Juno.jl checked out and up to date
ink 0.5.1
julia-client 0.5.2
language-julia 0.6
uber-juno 0.1.1

Thanks, Patrick

P.S. I've just started using Juno and in general I'm really liking it, 
especially the debugging gui features. Great work Juno team!

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