The short version is: I have a sparse matrix A like

julia> m1.R[1,2]
6040x3706 sparse matrix with 1000209 Float64 entries:
        [1   ,    1]  =  0.0874371
        [6   ,    1]  =  0.0765784
        [8   ,    1]  =  0.0558497
        [9   ,    1]  =  0.0635299
        [10  ,    1]  =  0.0333554
        [18  ,    1]  =  0.0381539
        [19  ,    1]  =  0.041645
        [21  ,    1]  =  0.126607
        [23  ,    1]  =  0.0382153
        [26  ,    1]  =  0.0333964
        [28  ,    1]  =  0.0632488
        [34  ,    1]  =  0.0515869
        [36  ,    1]  =  0.035613
        [38  ,    1]  =  0.0652987
        [44  ,    1]  =  0.0476856
        [45  ,    1]  =  0.0386538
        [48  ,    1]  =  0.0273836
        [49  ,    1]  =  0.0629714
        [51  ,    1]  =  0.0989613
        [56  ,    1]  =  0.0786409
        [60  ,    1]  =  0.0770788
        [65  ,    1]  =  0.0596687
        [68  ,    1]  =  0.0760876
        [73  ,    1]  =  0.041645
        [75  ,    1]  =  0.0499972
        [4751, 3706]  =  0.113348
        [4790, 3706]  =  0.0343391
        [4802, 3706]  =  0.0264789
        [4816, 3706]  =  0.0346104
        [4823, 3706]  =  0.0308447
        [4831, 3706]  =  0.0431582
        [4834, 3706]  =  0.039785
        [4858, 3706]  =  0.0616373
        [4939, 3706]  =  0.0501356
        [5049, 3706]  =  0.0478057
        [5074, 3706]  =  0.0243015
        [5087, 3706]  =  0.0387177
        [5100, 3706]  =  0.0229637
        [5205, 3706]  =  0.0353664
        [5304, 3706]  =  0.104785
        [5333, 3706]  =  0.0231531
        [5359, 3706]  =  0.0296257
        [5405, 3706]  =  0.0608765
        [5475, 3706]  =  0.0343839
        [5602, 3706]  =  0.0742148
        [5682, 3706]  =  0.0271598
        [5812, 3706]  =  0.0224472
        [5831, 3706]  =  0.0192226
        [5837, 3706]  =  0.0289602
        [5927, 3706]  =  0.045151
        [5998, 3706]  =  0.0525206

and a dense matrix B, which in this case starts off as diagonal of size 
3706, but stored as a full dense matrix.  I want to downdate B as

 B -= A'A

For each iteration in an optimization of a criterion I modify the values of 
the non-zeros in A, go back to the original value of B and do the downdate 

At present I am forming the product A'A with a general sparse matrix 
product at each iteration.  Thus each iteration bears the cost of 
allocating and freeing storage and the cost of determining the location of 
the nonzeros in B.  For the particular model fit

julia> @time fit!(lmm(Rating ~ 1 + (1|Subject) + (1|Item), df))
 49.765195 seconds (36.12 M allocations: 6.503 GB, 2.80% gc time)
Linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood
 logLik: -1331986.005811, deviance: 2663972.011622, AIC: 2663980.011622, 
BIC: 2664027.274500

Variance components:
           Variance   Std.Dev.  
 Subject  0.12985209 0.36034996
 Item     0.36879693 0.60728653
 Residual 0.81390867 0.90216887
 Number of obs: 1000209; levels of grouping factors: 6040, 3706

  Fixed-effects parameters:
             Estimate Std.Error z value
(Intercept)   3.33902 0.0114624 291.302

where Subject, Item and Rating are from the GroupLens 1M data 
set and lmm is in 
the MixedModels package, about 2/3 of the time is spent in this downdate 

I have tried a couple of different approaches, such as using the dot 
product of sparse vectors as in the v0.5.0-dev file 
base/sparse/sparsevector.jl and it takes much longer than does forming A'A, 
with its associated overhead.  That is good news, in a sense, because it 
means the sparse matrix product and sparse matrix transpose are performing 
well.  But I still have the nagging suspicion that I should be able to do 
better because I know the product will be dense and I know I am working 
with A'A.  Tim Davis has a function to evaluate AA' in CHOLMOD but I don't 
want to read his GPL or LGPL code to see how it is done.

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