  This is the author here. Let me address a few things. Giving the solution 
is optional for any problem type. So you can just declare a 
PoissonProblem(f). If you give it a solution, then it calculates errors and 
a bunch of extra things. I'll clear up that part of the tutorial. You can 
also specify any ODE or SDE as shown in the tutorial. You cannot specify 
arbitrary PDEs: this is a limitation of mathematics. Each PDE requires a 
different discretization, but if you discretize the PDE to ODEs/SODEs, then 
you can use those in any ODE/SDE solver.  It's even worse than that because 
just because a scheme is "good" for one type of PDE doesn't mean it's 
"good" for another, and so a solver has to be developed for each type of 
PDE. I am currently adding support for more types of PDEs. What PDEs are 
you looking to solve?

On Monday, June 6, 2016 at 3:04:20 PM UTC-7, digxx wrote:
> Hey all,
> I dont quite get the essence of this package. Looking through the examples 
> I found for a 2d poisson type problem:
> Example problem with solution: ``u(x,y)= sin(2π.*x).*cos(2π.*y)/(8π*π)``" 
> function poissonProblemExample_wave() f(x) = sin(2π.*x[:,1]).*cos(2π.*x[:,
> 2]) sol(x) = sin(2π.*x[:,1]).*cos(2π.*x[:,2])/(8π*π) Du(x) = [cos(2*pi
> .*x[:,1]).*cos(2*pi.*x[:,2])./(4*pi) -sin(2π.*x[:,1]).*sin(2π.*x[:,2])./(4
> π)] return(PoissonProblem(f,sol,Du)) end prob = 
> poissonProblemExample_wave()
> Now: Why do I need to specify the solution to the solver??? Isn't that 
> what I'm looking for. Also to me it seems that I can not specify an 
> arbitrary differential equation. Can I only solve heat/poisson type 
> equations or can I specify my own?

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