I advice you to add a reference to your book, via a pull request to:

   - https://github.com/JuliaLang/julialang.github.com
Which should go in this file:


El martes, 13 de septiembre de 2016, 19:58:23 (UTC-5), Zacharias Voulgaris 
> Hi everyone,
> I’m fairly new in this group but I’ve been an avid Julia user since Ver. 
> 0.2. About a year ago I decided to take the next step and start using Julia 
> professionally, namely for data science projects (even if at that time I 
> was a PM in Microsoft). Shortly afterwards, I started writing a book about 
> it, focusing on how we can use this wonderful tool for data science 
> projects. My aim was to make it easy for everyone to learn to make use of 
> their Julia know-how for tackling data science project, but also to help 
> more experienced data scientists to do what they usually do but instead of 
> Python / R / Scala, use a more elegant tool (Julia). I’m writing this post 
> because this book is finally a reality.
> In this book, which is titled Julia for Data Science and published by 
> Technics Publications, I cover various data science topics. These include 
> data engineering, supervised and unsupervised  machine learning, 
> statistics, and some graph analysis. Also, since the focus is on 
> applications rather than digging into the deeper layers of the language, I 
> make use of IJulia instead of Juno, while I also refrain from delving into 
> custom types and meta-programming. Yet, in this book I make use of tools 
> and metrics that are rarely, if ever, mentioned in other data science books 
> (e.g. the T-SNE method, some variants of Jaccard Similarity, some 
> alternative error averages for regression, and more). Also, I try to keep 
> assumptions about the reader’s knowledge to a minimum, so there are plenty 
> of links to references for the various concepts used in the book, from 
> reliable sources. Finally, the book includes plenty of reference sections 
> at the end, so you don’t need to remember all the packages introduced, or 
> all the places where you can learn more about the language. Each chapter is 
> accompanied by a series of questions and some exercises, to help you make 
> sure you comprehend everything you’ve read, while at the end I include a 
> full project for you to practice on (answers to all the exercises and the 
> project itself are at an appendix). All the code used in the book is 
> available on Jupyter files, while the data files are also available in .csv 
> and text format.
> The book is available in both paperback and eBook format (PDF, Kindle, and 
> Safari) at the publisher’s website: https://technicspub.com/analytics
> Please note that for some reason the Packt publishing house, which has had 
> the monopoly on Julia books up until now, decided to follow suit, which is 
> why it is releasing a book with the same title next month (clearly, 
> imagination is not their strongest suit!). So, please make sure that you 
> don’t confuse the two books. My goal is not to make a quick buck through 
> this book (which is why I’m not publishing it via Packt); instead, I aim to 
> make Julia more well-known to the data science world while at the same time 
> make data science more accessible to all Julia users. 
> Thanks,
> Zack

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