Pair is defined as

immutable Pair{A,B}

, so it is type specialized with two parameters A and B.

Pair has its own syntax key => value and is used extensively with dicts.


onsdag 4. februar 2015 19.58.42 UTC+1 skrev Seth følgende:
> I stumbled across Pair by accident and didn't find anything in the way of 
> docs, so I started playing with it and looking at the source.
> I can't figure out what the use case might be. It doesn't appear to be 
> type-optimized; that is, it doesn't use type parameterization to provide 
> speed/efficiency gains. It appears to allow Any=>Any, which I guess might 
> be useful, but I don't see how it might be better than a tuple. Using it in 
> lieu of an explicit type such as 
> immutable Edge
>     src::Int
>     dst::Int
> end
> results in (my) code being an order of magnitude slower - I assume it's 
> because I've specified the types of the members.
> What is the intended use case for the Pair type, and did I miss the 
> documentation?

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