I am pleased to announce the first release of DifferentialEquations.jl 

An accompanying blog post explains the motivation and philosophy of the 
package in more detail. 

DifferentialEquations.jl is a library of methods for solving various 
differential equations. DifferentialEquations.jl makes it easy to access 
many different methods for solving equations and plot the results. This 
v0.1 release marks that the core of DifferentialEquations.jl is complete, 
which includes:

   - The standard ODE, SDE, and PDE (Heat and Poisson) solvers 
   - Plot recipes for all the basic types.
   - Tests for convergence of every algorithm.
   - Extensive documentation 

DifferentialEquations.jl also has many special features not seen in other 
differential equation libraries, which includes (but is not limited to):

   - A simple interface via multiple-dispatch (see the blog post 
   - Implementations of Feagin's Order 10, 12, and 14 Runge-Kutta methods 
   - Compatibility with Julia-defined number types 
   has been tested to work with Bigs, DecFP, and ArbFloats, and is actively 
   being tested with ArbReals and DoubleDouble.
   - Wrappers to ODE.jl and ODEInterface.jl 
   giving you instant access to tons of different solver methods just by 
   changing the `alg` keyword.
   - State-of-the-art stochastic differential equation solvers 
   are results from recent papers, and many other algorithms (including fast 
   adaptivity and highly-stable explicit methods) are waiting on a private 
   branch until papers are published.
   - Finite element solvers for some common stochastic PDEs 
   the Reaction-Diffusion equation used to describe Turing Morphogenesis 
   - An algorithm design and testing suite 
For more information, check out the documentation 
<http://chrisrackauckas.github.io/DifferentialEquations.jl/latest/>or the 
tutorial notebooks 
you're interested in contributing, please see the Contributor's Guide 
and/or chat with me on the Gitter channel 

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