Hi everyone,

I've been working on improvements to Base Julia's test system, so that we 
can use testsets and have pretty printing and parallelism and all kinds of 
wonderful things that start with p. As you can see, the base tests pass! 
However, I know lots of package maintainers use testsets. I really don't 
want to merge anything that would break usability for those folks, so if 
you are a package maintainer (or a package user!) of a Julia package that 
uses testsets in their current form, I would be very grateful if you could 
try your package against my branch 
(https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/pull/17165 - you can follow the 
horrendous development of this work in all its "glory"). In particular, if 
error reporting doesn't work right for you, or your tests are just worse in 
any way, I'd love to fix it so everyone can use the cool new features.


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