You can compute the rank of a sparse matrix using the 'squeezed QR 
factorization' available in SuiteSparse, which has been partly wrapped in 
Julia.  This method for rank determination is less robust than either the 
SVD or conventional rank-revealing QR factorizations, but it appears to be 
better at preserving sparsity, at least according to the authors of 

Here is a routine I wrote or in some cases lifted from Base (Julia 0.4.6) 
to extract the R and colperm factors from the sparse squeezed QR 
factorization of a matrix A using SuiteSparse.  The number of rows in R 
upon termination is the computed rank of the matrix.  (Feel free to use 
this code if you wish.  I'm posting it here for whoever wants it under the 
same license as Julia, that is, the MIT license.  At some point I will 
write some test routines for it and submit it as PR for the SuiteSparse.jl 
package.)  I have run this code only on Windows 10 64-bit.

-- Steve Vavasis

module MySparseExtensions

import Base.sparse
import Base.SparseMatrix.CHOLMOD.FactorComponent
import Base.SparseMatrix.CHOLMOD.Factor
import Base.SparseMatrix.CHOLMOD.CHOLMODException
import Base.SparseMatrix.CHOLMOD.common
import Base.SparseMatrix.CHOLMOD.C_Sparse
import Base.SparseMatrix.CHOLMOD.Sparse
import Base.SparseMatrix.CHOLMOD.free_sparse!
import Base.SparseMatrix.CHOLMOD.increment
import Base.SparseMatrix.CHOLMOD.SuiteSparse_long
import Base.SparseMatrix.CHOLMOD.defaults
import Base.SparseMatrix.CHOLMOD.fact_
import Base.SparseMatrix.CHOLMOD.set_print_level
import Base.SparseMatrix.CHOLMOD.common_final_ll

function qrfact_get_r_colperm(A::SparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int}, 
                              ordering = 
    Aw = Sparse(A,0)
    s = unsafe_load(Aw.p)
    if s.stype != 0
        throw(ArgumentError("stype must be zero"))
    ptr_R = Ref{Ptr{C_Sparse{Float64}}}()
    ptr_E = Ref{Ptr{SuiteSparse_long}}()
    cc = common()
    rk = ccall((:SuiteSparseQR_C, :libspqr), Clong,
               (Cint, #ordering
                Cdouble, #tol
                Clong, #econ
                Cint, #getCTX
                Ptr{C_Sparse{Float64}},  # A
                Ptr{Void}, #Bsparse
                Ptr{Void}, #Bdense
                Ptr{Void}, #Zsparse
                Ptr{Void}, #Zdense
                Ptr{Void}, #R
                Ptr{Void}, #E
                Ptr{Void}, #H
                Ptr{Void}, #HPInv
                Ptr{Void}, #HTau
                Ptr{Void}), #cc
               ordering, #ordering
               tol, #tol
               1000000000, #econ
               0, #getCTX
               get(Aw.p),  # A
               C_NULL, #Bsparse
               C_NULL, #Bdense
               C_NULL, #Zsparse
               C_NULL, #Zdense
               ptr_R, #R
               ptr_E, #E
               C_NULL, #H
               C_NULL, #HPInv
               C_NULL, #HTau
               cc) #cc
    R = ptr_R[]
    E = ptr_E[]
    if E != C_NULL
        colprm = pointer_to_array(E, size(A,2), false) + 1
        colprm = collect(1:size(A,2))
    R1 = unsafe_load(R)
    if R1.stype != 0
        throw(ArgumentError("matrix has stype != 0. Convert to matrix with 
stype == 0 before converting to SparseMatrixCSC"))
    maxrownum = 0
    for entryind = 1 : R1.nzmax
        maxrownum = max(maxrownum, unsafe_load(R1.i, entryind) + 1)
    R_cvt = SparseMatrixCSC(maxrownum,
                            increment(pointer_to_array(R1.p, (R1.ncol + 
1,), false)), 
                            increment(pointer_to_array(R1.i, (R1.nzmax,), 
                            copy(pointer_to_array(R1.x, (R1.nzmax,), 
    ccall((:cholmod_l_free, :libcholmod), Ptr{Void}, (Csize_t, Csize_t, 
Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}),
          size(A,2), sizeof(SuiteSparse_long), E, cc)
    R_cvt, colprm


On Friday, August 26, 2016 at 4:46:08 PM UTC-4, Alex Dowling wrote:
> When I use rank() on a sparse matrix, I get the following error:
> ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: `svdvals!` has no method matching 
> svdvals!(::SparseMatrixCSC{Float64,Int64})
>  in rank at linalg/generic.jl:300
> Small example:
> A = sprand(5,5,0.6)
> rank(A)
> Is there an alternate way to calculate the rank of a sparse matrix? Same 
> question for calculating the nullspace basis.
> Thanks,
> Alex

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