No. We are only exposing `cond` but as you can see 
in we 
are actually getting `rcond` from LAPACK and then calling `inv`. I can see 
the usefulness of working with a number in [0,1] instead of [1,inf) but it 
seems superfluous to have both `cond` and `rcond` when the `inv` 
computation is so cheap. Matlab has taken that path though.

On Sunday, August 28, 2016 at 2:18:55 PM UTC-4, Douglas Bates wrote:
> I am accustomed to evaluating the reciprocal condition number instead of 
> the condition number of a matrix because rcond is what LAPACK provides and 
> because the values of rcond are in [0, 1].  I notice that there is a cond 
> function in Base but not an rcond.  Did I miss something?  It happens that 
> I want the rcond of a triangular matrix so it is easy to call the LAPACK 
> function directly.

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