In Python, libraries like TensorFlow or Theano provide possibility to 
perform automatic differentiation over their computational graphs. E.g. in 
TensorFlow (example from SO 

data = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)
var = tf.Variable(...)              
loss = some_function_of(var, data)

var_grad = tf.gradients(loss, [var])[0]

What is the closest thing in Julia at the moment? 

Here's what I've checked so far: 

 * ForwardDiff.jl <> - it 
computes derivatives using forward mode automatic differentiation (AD). 
Although AD has particular advantages, I found this package quite slow. 
E.g. for a vector of 1000 elements gradient takes ~100x times longer then 
the function itself. Another potential issues is that ForwardDiff.jl 
doesn't output symbolic version of gradient and thus is hardly usable for 
computation on GPU, for example. 
 * *Calculus.jl* <> - among 
other things, this package provided symbolic differentiation. However, it 
seems to consider all symbols to be numbers and doesn't support matrices or 

I have pretty shallow knowledge of both these packages, so please correct 
me if I'm wrong somewhere in my conclusions. And if not, is there any other 
package or project that I should consider? 

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