
I regularly make the mistake described here 
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/julia-users/UyCSm5Shyww/Udt67boT3CsJ, i.e., 
i write

open(file) do fd
  a = read(fd, ...)
  b = read(fd, ...)
## a and b undefined.  

I get that the solution is 

a, b = open(file) do fd 

Great.  I understand that you would want `fd` to be local, is this the 
reason that every assignment is local?

If `a, b = open() do ... end` is the recommended way of dealing with this, 
I wonder if this approach could generalize to the for-block

comprehension = for i in collection
   ## compute element[i]

as a multiline alternative to the [element for i in collection] syntax. 



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